Saturday, February 16, 2008

Well said!

I served in K Force, 16 Field Regt. What angers me very much about Vets Affairs is the inordinate time it takes to get a decision. I complained and got a letter from Jessie Gunn who says that's owing to the number of applicants and the fact that she has to "Personally review every decision"" What a load of crap. Everyone knows that she spends a lot of time overseas and that her desk is a swamp. She has a total disability to delegate. She is the problem, and must be set to one side or otherwise dealt to.

I am not greatly concerned as my health seems to be holding up. I am 81 but when I go to Kings Empire Vets and see all those old chaps who fought during the war and have but a limited time to go I get very angry. Delays of 6 to 12 months are just not good enough for these guys.

I have also been told, but have no evidence, that War Vets will only pay a set fee for specialists, which is below market rates, hence waiting up to 6 months for an appointment.

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