Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sir Keith Park, gunner

From Russ Barron:
. . . Sir Keith Park first joined the NZ Territorials about 1911, and trained as a gunner in 31 'B' Bty, Dunedin. (See also . . .)

Pssst! Got a 25-pounder to spare?

The Auckland Artillery Officers' Mess is trying to locate a 25 pdr to place on a site at their new home.
Any suggestions where they may locate one? If you have, pass them on to our President,
Frank Hopkinson.

Things that go 'bump' in the night

Night Shift in Iraq
This is an actual Night Vision video clip from Iraq. Read this first so you know what you are watching, then watch the video. You have to watch this . . . this is unreal, 4 kms away, at night And it looks like they are right there. Heck of a weapon too . . . 
The pictures were taken from an AC130 Specter gunship four kilometres away. The guys in the picture are setting up a roadside bomb and planning to ambush an American convoy which followed a short while after the pictures were taken.
They were setting up for the ambush and were pacing off the distance from the bomb to where the convoy was to pass by. The level of effort these crews put forth to control the enemy's antics is commendable, and their marksmanship with those electronically controlled 40 mm cannons is astounding.
Turn your sound up, then click on the header

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sir Keith Park Memorial

Sir Keith Park was born in Thames, joined the NZ Army and fought in WWI at Gallipoli. He transferred to the British Army and then the Royal Flying Corps. He shot down 14 planes during WWI. In WWII he was promoted to Air Vice Marshall (equal to a Major General) and was in charge of No 11 Group RAF which defended London during the Battle of Britain.

From the Mayneland

Mayne Manson makes a point:
I am very concerned that certain persons in the North Island were aware that one John Barrett, guided by wife Lyn, was planning a trip to and around the South Island, and at NO stage has any of those people had any consideration for us South Islanders and warn us of this event, so we could prepared for it, ie lay in extra beer and wine, hide the porn DVD's, etc.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Australian Letter of the Year

This is one of those 'wish I'd written that' letters. Click here.

Registered Charity

The Charities Commission has confirmed our registration as a charity. This relieves us from potential taxation, and enables any donor to claim a tax deduction for sums over $5 that contribute toward the charitable purposes of our objectives.

Army News

You can read the latest issue of Army News on-line by clicking here.

Where's Wally?

Hard to believe this - the technology is mind-boggling! This weblink takes you to a photo from the Obama Inauguration 2009 in which you are able to focus in on the face of each individual in the crowd!!! 
---You can cursor-scan, double click and zoom to any section of the crowd .  .  . wait a few seconds .  .  . and the focus adjusts. Each time you double-click, it zooms in on the particular section of the crowd at which you are aiming - even to the person you aim at - and the target is brought into focus.
---The picture was taken with a robotic camera at 1,474 megapixels (i.e. 295 times the standard 5 megapixel camera). Makes you wonder who's watching us right now!!! Might be useful for security purposes. 

Medals purchase

A rare opportunity is at hand for the Australian National Artillery Museum to purchase a set of Crimean War Medal issued to a Royal Artillery gunner who subsequently saw service in Australia. MORE . . .

No tailgating . . .

You're too close!

Photos: Exercise 'Long Guns'

November 2008
EX LONG GUNS 2008 High Range, Townsville
Exercise Long Guns 2008 saw artillery from Australia and New Zealand grouped together to produce some very impressive fire-power at the High Range Training Area near Townsville on 7 November 2008.
The largest combined gunnery concentration in Australia for a number of years featured Australian Army 1st Division, Royal Australian Artillery units and the Royal New Zealand Artillery’s 161 Field Battery. MORE . . . 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

RSA launches Bushfire Appeal for Victoria

Since Gallipoli, even before, Australians and New Zealanders have supported each other in times of war and strife. The tragic loss of life and property in the Victoria bush fires has prompted the Royal New Zealand Returned And Services’ Association to launch an Appeal to provide an opportunity for the RSA movement to support our Australian friends.
   The spirit of ANZAC is about helping a mate in need and the families in Victoria who have suffered tragic loss of life and property are definitely in need of our support. Indeed, some of them come from this side of the Tasman.
The RNZRSA requests Local Associations, RSA Clubs, Branches, RSA members and Women’s Sections to contribute to the RSA Bushfire Appeal, as a tangible mark of the ANZAC spirit we recognise on 25 April each year.
   The RSA Bushfire Appeal collection will be handed over to the Red Cross 2009 Victoria Bushfire Fund; with which the RSA has had a close relationship for over 90 years.
   To contribute to the RSA Bushfire Appeal collection please send Cheques (made payable to “RNZRSA”) to:
The RSA Bushfire Appeal Collection
RNZRSA National Headquarters
PO Box 27248, Marion Square

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

See and hear the RNZA Band

The RNZ Artillery Band is running into a pretty busy period, and no doubt Association members would like to know where they can catch some of their performances:

Sat 14 Feb
Final Day of Louis Vuitton Pacific Series Yachting, from 12 noon till about 4.30pm (depends on race timings)  -  Viaduct Basin (Halsey Road side), on the stage under the big screen.

Sunday 15 FebPanmure Basin Family Day (near Waipuna Lodge Hotel)  -  11.30am to about 1.00pm

Sunday 8 March
MOTAT Military Live Weekend  -  at MOTAT 2 (Aviation)  -  playing at 11.30am and 2.00pm

Saturday 14 March
Charter Parade, Hamilton (to be confirmed)

Sunday 22 March
Ranfurly Home Annual Garden Party  -  2.00pm

Saturday 4 April
St Heliers Community Day  -  10.00am

Saturday 25 April
ANZAC Day (of course)  -  Panmure, Birkenhead, AKL Domain, Ranfurly Home

Monday 27 April
‘Morning Melodies’ at Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna  -  11.00am (tickets $3, from Ticketmaster)

Charles Thomas Rae McLean MBE mid RNZA

Ayleth Bendall Barr would like information about her distinguished grandfather. And what did happen at Godley Head? Take a look . . . 
Any feedback can be sent to her at seediesplants.adbarr@xtra.co.nz. (Looks like you could place an order while you're at it.)

Which Chook Fowler?

Peter Dillon , son of Sam, says -
I've just been browsing the Royal New Zealand Artillery Association website and saw a piece written by Chook FOWLER in 2006.
   My father Sam DILLON has a photo labelled 'Geordie ADAMS, Chook FOWLER and Mick DILLON in England'.  I don't know what the occasion was. Mick and Sam were brothers.  Mick was 2nd echelon and Sam was 4th reinforcements, they both were in Div Supply.  Mick was killed during the breakout at Minqar Qaim in 1942.  Sam . . .