Friday, February 20, 2009

Where's Wally?

Hard to believe this - the technology is mind-boggling! This weblink takes you to a photo from the Obama Inauguration 2009 in which you are able to focus in on the face of each individual in the crowd!!! 
---You can cursor-scan, double click and zoom to any section of the crowd .  .  . wait a few seconds .  .  . and the focus adjusts. Each time you double-click, it zooms in on the particular section of the crowd at which you are aiming - even to the person you aim at - and the target is brought into focus.
---The picture was taken with a robotic camera at 1,474 megapixels (i.e. 295 times the standard 5 megapixel camera). Makes you wonder who's watching us right now!!! Might be useful for security purposes. 

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