Monday, September 29, 2008

In hospital: Doggo Downs

Doggo is in Greenslopes Hospital and has been for a couple of days. [Greenslopes is Australia’s largest private hospital, located within 5kms of the Brisbane CBD.]
-----He is in the Coronary Care Unit Bed 11 which is a private room.
-----The visiting hours are 11am-1pm and 3-8pm.
-----The phone for the nurses station is +617 3394 7936 and they will put you through.
-----A phone call or visit would be much appreciated by Doggo.
Brian Jerry Meyer

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Veteran's entitlements review - consultation

The Law Commission has advised us that -
[The Law Commission] will be holding consultative meetings in the following centres on the dates indicated below, although we are awaiting confirmation from the RNZRSA of the actual times and venues:
28 October - Nelson
29 October - Christchurch
30 October - Dunedin
4 November - Wanganui
5 November - Wellington
6 November - Whangarei
7 November - Auckland
10 November - Napier
12 November - Tauranga
14 November - Ruatoria
We will update you further when we have more details.
This is about you, your mates and your families. What comes out of this review, to become the law on veteran's entitlements, will last well beyond our time. We need to be sure it meets our needs now, as well as the needs of present and future veterans.
If we don't do it, who will?

The Commission is past the point of hearing historical complaints: these are understood and accepted. The focus from here on is how the War Pensions Act should read for today's conditions and tomorrow's.
-----You may have some ideas to put forward but, if nothing else, you can at least keep asking - 'How will this affect me and my mates, our families and whanau?' - and expecting plain answers.

To refresh your thoughts, you could read the Muzzle Flash published earlier by clicking here or on the header.

Taupo 7-9 Nov: Attending, apologising

Click here or on the header, to catch up with the latest on who you will see at Taupo and who you will miss (or won't have to avoid).
-----Don't worry if you've mislaid your registration form, there's a new one on the way with The NZ Gunner, coming this week!
-----And, of course, you'll be sporting your brand new RNZA Association lapel badge, available from our Q Store for only $7.50, post included. Or our Association cap, $35 plus postage.

Accommodation at the Spa Hotel & Motel, Taupo

  • The Association has block-booked all the accommodation for the weekend of the Reunion 7-9 November.
  • When you register and request a studio or chalet, I allocate one to you immediately.
  • At this time, all but one of the studios has been allocated. Ten chalets are still available at $95/night.
  • You settle your account for accommodation and breakfasts (if any) direct with the Spa management.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Veterans' Health Management Service & Forum

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 02 October 2008 in the Recreation Hall (Warren Avenue Entrance) of the Ranfurly Veterans' Centre, 539 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings, starting at 1330 hrs.
"The Army News broke the story of my enlistment. The article began by asking why a 42-year-old married mother of five who is also a Member of Parliament would join the Territorials. It was a question I asked myself several times during my training — especially when I was struggling out of bed at 0530 every morning to clean toilets or sweep leaves at 0600, or when my hands were so cold in the Waiouru wind and rain I could hardly feel them, but gloves were not an option because I had a weapon to carry." 
Excerpt from Private Roy's Diary
We are very fortunate to have with us Sapper Heather Roy, Member of Parliament, to tell us of her experiences while completing her 6 weeks basic training in the Territorials. She is now part of the 5 (Wellington, West Coast and Taranaki) Battalion Group and is training as a Field Engineer.
-----Heather is a very entertaining speaker and you will enjoy listening to her talk about her basic military training from her point of view! Afterwards she will join you all for afternoon tea which the Auckland RSA will provide. This is not a political meeting!
-----We look forward to seeing you next week and if you wish to bring a friend then please do so as it will be an afternoon to remember!
-----Don't forget RSAs are always looking for any Veteran who does not receive a War Disablement Pension or who has not had a Review of their War Disablement Pension in the last 12 months. We can help these men and women when we find them. Spouses/partners are always welcome to attend with you.
-----If you know someone who would like to speak at a meeting or if there is any particular information you would like to be given at any meeting then please let me know — this is your meeting for you to gain information, advice and assistance.

Margaret Burke
Manager – Support Services,
Pension Advocacy, Health & Welfare
Auckland RSA: 09 624 0064

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Locations in Taupo, 7-9 November

Top right - Dinner Friday at Spa Hotel
Bottom left - Dinner Saturday at Bowling Club
'Water-drop' = RSA, 4 pm Friday

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Government to counter brain-drain effect

With the Taupo reunion 7-9 November and three Aussies on their way to join us, here's an interesting story that could affect their travel.

The NZ Prime Minister made an unHeralded announcement today that, to combat the brain-drain to Australia and the potential dumbing-down of the population through reverse migration and TV, all Australians (including short stay) arriving here will be required to complete a simple test to evaluate the effect of inflow from across the Tasman.

"The aim is not to hinder travel or immigration, but to assess the likely impact of these activities, at the border", Helen Clark said. She added that the test is short, simple and not biased by education, culture or ethnicity, as the Howard 'mateship' test was. "We have learnt from that debacle. This is based on studies of subjects who were randomly selected from the majority population and, based on scientific evaluation so far, we expect our Australian cousins to compare well with the test group".

"We want to improve IQ. If this works on the Aussies, it's a remote possibility that it might work on TV programmers too. But I'm not hopeful".

We bring you an exclusive preview of a sample test, so that you can decide if it is a 'fair deal':

Entry test for Australians arriving in New Zealand
Based on research among the majority population and intended to improve the standard of intelligence among that population
.Sample only - questions may vary in the actual test.

Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question. You must answer them instantly. You may not alter your immediate responses. You must respond quickly to finish in the shortest time. Your time and responses are being monitored remotely by a Government agency through your computer. Your results are required before you depart Australia.
Let's find out just how you compare to the majority population . . .
First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
If you answered that you are first, then you are so wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!
Try not to screw up next time.
Now answer the second question, but don't take as much time as you took for the first question, OK?
Second Question:
If you overtake the last person, then you are . . .?
If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?
You're not very good at this, are you?
Third Question:
Now, simple mental arithmetic!
This must be done in your head only.
Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30.
Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000
Now add 10. What is the total?
Did you get 5000?
The correct answer is actually 4100. If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator! Today is definitely not your day, is it? Maybe you'll get the last question right. Maybe.
Fourth Question:
Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Did you Answer Nunu?
NO! Of course it isn't.
Her name is Mary. Read the question again!
Okay, now the bonus round:
A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Next, a blind man who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses comes into the shop. How does HE indicate what he wants?
He just opens his mouth and asks . . . it's really quite simple.
If you had two or more questions wrong, you've met the 'Simple' test. But you're allowed in for a few days as long as you promise not to mess with the sheep and lower the level of the majority population's intelligence further, or we'll have to restrict the number of Australians coming here - and that would be bad for tourism; it's a hard call.
If you passed the test, however, you can choose your own sheep from the Government Research Station.

More well-chosen words from Canada

Thanks to David Lackey for promptly sending us a copy of a further address from Brig-Gen (Rtd) Ernest Beno, Col Comdt of the RCA. After speaking earlier this year on the benefits of being a gunner today, he now follows up with a morale-boosting speech on the growing relevance of the RCA Association, and things that still need to be done. A timely reminder for us.

Read it here or click on the header.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Kerry & Lyn Lee with VSA in Timor Leste, 2005-06 and now

Kerry has dropped a line about his and Lyn's involvement with VSA over the past few years.

To read about it, click here or on the header.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

More on Excalibur, plus images

Here's a longer article, with images, on the future of US artillery systems. Click here or on the header.

Thanks to John Henderson for the follow-up.

Reveille - a quirky tribute to veterans

This video is well worth your time, with strong sentiment in a quirky tribute to older veterans. Not a word is spoken throughout. It's 12 minutes long, so be patient.
-----To download it, click here or on the header.

Thanks to John Osborne


50-metre accuracy at 24 kms range! Excalibur is a guided rocket-assisted artillery projectile. Read about it by clicking here or on the header.

Thanks to Frank Hopkinson

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New medals announced for UN service in Korea

Two new service medals will be awarded for service with the UN in Korea. The first is for service 1958-2000, and the second 2001-onwards.
To read about it click here or on the header

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

'The Gunners' - on sale! Last of the few!

The School of Artillery has a limited supply of The Gunners book for sale.  At $50 a copy, the price is better than what they can be purchased for from the shops.
-----You can read an outline of the book and download the order form by clicking here, or on the header.
-----All funds from purchases go to the RNZA Corps Fund.

Any questions? Then contact
John Weel 
+646 387 5599 Extn 7655 

Murray Ruffell - funeral Rotorua Thu 11 Sep 08

Murray died suddenly in Auckland on Monday 8 September 2008.

He is survived by his children: Arahi, Rene and Megan, Hema and Mokoi, Lorraine , Bruce and Anita, Luana and Hayley.

His funeral is in Rotorua on Thursday, 11 September 2008 at 324 Clayton Road, followed by burial at Motutawa Mourea.

Yours faithfully 

Lorrraine Ruffell

Is any member in Rotorua able to attend Murray's funeral? Much appreciated if you can.

From the Vets' Health Forum in Auckland

What does '70% War [Disablement] Pension' (WP) mean to me?
  • It qualifies you for the Veteran's Pension (VP) on retirement, as opposed to NZ Super. The benefit of that is your pension doesn't stop if you are hospitalised or enter fulltime care. Your spouse will also be entitled to the VP on retirement.
  • Your estate may be entitled to a funeral grant (when you go), subject to an income test
  • If your WP is 100% or more your estate is automatically entitled to the funeral grant
  • If your WP is below 70% your estate may gain a funeral grant, subject to both income and asset test
What is a 'Section 23 review'?
S23 of the War Pensions Act 1954 provides for WPs to be awarded beyond 100%, where at least two serious disabilities detract from your quality of life and prevent you taking part in a normally active life style (eg, social & physical activity). This includes the obvious - eg, loss of sight, loss of use of limbs - but might extend to other combinations such as severe PTSD/anxiety/depression, and total loss of hearing. Each case is considered on its own facts.

What does '0%' disablement mean
An award of 0% means that the disability has been accepted for the cost of treatment, but it is not considered to affect your quality of life

Each of these is a separate disability, which may or may not be related

Viet Nam vets' comprehensive medical review
This is the one-off review of every VN vet's medical condition. Note: This review goes beyond an ordinary exam by your doctor, and registers any concerns that may matter to you sometime later. If you need the forms, phone Margaret Burke, Auckland RSA, 09 624 0064

WINZ assistance
This support is not related to military service. Subject to income testing, you may be helped with a Disability Allowance that could cover, eg, gardening, lawnmowing, taxis to health appointments (GP, specialist, chemist), refund of medical expenses not covered by VANZ/WPS. You may also be given a loan to buy glasses or have your teeth fixed. In the case of the loan, repayment is deducted from your pension.

DHB assistance
Your GP may assess you as needing home help to enable you to function and remain in your own home. This can include basic cleaning around your home, help to get out of bed, shower and dress, shop for food, cook meals.

Disabled parking
If you have difficulty walking more than 200 metres or, eg, carrying your shopping to your car, your GP can certify an application to CCS Disability Action for an orange card for your dashboard. These cost $45 for five years, which may be recoverable from VANZ/WPS (check first).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

TF Annual Camps: 11 Bty & 4 Medium photos

Kerry Lee has sent us a selection of his photos at TF Annual Camps - 11 Bty & 4 Medium Bty. To view them click here or on the header.

Monday, September 8, 2008

From the Bandstand

Members in the Auckland area have another chance to hear our RNZ Artillery Band in concert at the Hawkins Centre, Papakura on Sunday 21st September at 2.00pm.
-----They will be sharing the event with Papakura Brass, and the two bands will combine for the finale.
-----Tickets are available from Papakura Paper Power, 223 Great South Road, Papakura (Tel: 09 298 5280)  -  Adults $15; Seniors $10; Children $5; Family $30.

And another date for your diaries  -  Saturday 8th November 1.00pm -  A Grand Massed Bands Armistice Concert at the Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna  -  featuring RNZ Navy Band, RNZ Artillery Band, RNZ Air Force Auckland Band and Auckland Police Pipe Band.

Best regards

Bob Davis

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jan Dyer: Tell me about Jack Keinzley - anyone?

B34731, Keinzley R J, d 1993, cancer-related

I'd just like to know a little of Jack's history from anyone who knew him.  

I know he served with 161 Battery (as BSM), and was in Vietnam in 1968, Nui Dat.

I've found him quoted as being 'famous' so I'd like to know (briefly) of his exploits, if anyone knows

Thank you (all) in advance.

Jan Dyer

Heritage Grants reminder

'Heritage' is a benevolent fund set up over 60 years ago to support the children and grandchildren of those who have served New Zealand in any of the armed forces. Click on the header or here to read more detail.

An application form may be used to seek a grant for:
  • Education purposes
  • Support for any modern apprentice scheme
  • Qualifying people of any age in a training programme related to work
  • Assistance in relation to some chronic health conditions
An application will be forwarded automatically to all year 2008 grant recipients who expect to be continuing their studies or require ongoing assistance in 2009.
All applications should be returned to this office by 30 September 2008. The Executive Committee will meet in November to consider all applications received.

To download an application form, click here

The amazing voice of a 12-year-old schoolgirl

Faryl Smith will goose-bump your skin, with her incredible 'Ave Maria'.

Click the header

Monday, September 1, 2008

Taupo AGM & Reunion: Attending & Apologies

  • For today's update on who will be there or not (so far) click on the header or here
  • The studio units at the Spa Hotel are fully booked but there are still chalets available
  • Download a registration form from here - now's good