Sunday, September 28, 2008

Veteran's entitlements review - consultation

The Law Commission has advised us that -
[The Law Commission] will be holding consultative meetings in the following centres on the dates indicated below, although we are awaiting confirmation from the RNZRSA of the actual times and venues:
28 October - Nelson
29 October - Christchurch
30 October - Dunedin
4 November - Wanganui
5 November - Wellington
6 November - Whangarei
7 November - Auckland
10 November - Napier
12 November - Tauranga
14 November - Ruatoria
We will update you further when we have more details.
This is about you, your mates and your families. What comes out of this review, to become the law on veteran's entitlements, will last well beyond our time. We need to be sure it meets our needs now, as well as the needs of present and future veterans.
If we don't do it, who will?

The Commission is past the point of hearing historical complaints: these are understood and accepted. The focus from here on is how the War Pensions Act should read for today's conditions and tomorrow's.
-----You may have some ideas to put forward but, if nothing else, you can at least keep asking - 'How will this affect me and my mates, our families and whanau?' - and expecting plain answers.

To refresh your thoughts, you could read the Muzzle Flash published earlier by clicking here or on the header.

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