Saturday, September 27, 2008

Veterans' Health Management Service & Forum

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 02 October 2008 in the Recreation Hall (Warren Avenue Entrance) of the Ranfurly Veterans' Centre, 539 Mt Albert Road, Three Kings, starting at 1330 hrs.
"The Army News broke the story of my enlistment. The article began by asking why a 42-year-old married mother of five who is also a Member of Parliament would join the Territorials. It was a question I asked myself several times during my training — especially when I was struggling out of bed at 0530 every morning to clean toilets or sweep leaves at 0600, or when my hands were so cold in the Waiouru wind and rain I could hardly feel them, but gloves were not an option because I had a weapon to carry." 
Excerpt from Private Roy's Diary
We are very fortunate to have with us Sapper Heather Roy, Member of Parliament, to tell us of her experiences while completing her 6 weeks basic training in the Territorials. She is now part of the 5 (Wellington, West Coast and Taranaki) Battalion Group and is training as a Field Engineer.
-----Heather is a very entertaining speaker and you will enjoy listening to her talk about her basic military training from her point of view! Afterwards she will join you all for afternoon tea which the Auckland RSA will provide. This is not a political meeting!
-----We look forward to seeing you next week and if you wish to bring a friend then please do so as it will be an afternoon to remember!
-----Don't forget RSAs are always looking for any Veteran who does not receive a War Disablement Pension or who has not had a Review of their War Disablement Pension in the last 12 months. We can help these men and women when we find them. Spouses/partners are always welcome to attend with you.
-----If you know someone who would like to speak at a meeting or if there is any particular information you would like to be given at any meeting then please let me know — this is your meeting for you to gain information, advice and assistance.

Margaret Burke
Manager – Support Services,
Pension Advocacy, Health & Welfare
Auckland RSA: 09 624 0064

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