Monday, April 27, 2009

Great guns!

Our website, thanks to the work of several people*, gets an accolade:
A couple of years ago I came across an old Russian cannon in the city park at Chelmsford, UK. The local historical group didn’t have any real background information about the piece; I’m interested in old artillery so I did some research. Your website was of great help in trying to interpret the markings on this remarkably well preserved piece. I’m attaching the results of my findings on the Chelmsford cannon if you’re interested. You have an excellent web site - very informative. Thanks, Gary Brown

Gary's article on the Chelmsford cannon can be read here . . .. You can also read about the New Zealand equivalents here . . .. Our website's layout and content are both complimented frequently; thanks in this case to Colin Andrews, Terry Transom and Wally Ruffell, whose work has been showcased by Angus and Catherine Rivers.

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