Monday, July 7, 2008

From the Bandstand

Our RNZ Artillery Band is home from what proved to be an extremely successful 11-day tour of duty to Brisbane and Ipswich, to represent New Zealand at the various events to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Formation of the Australian Reserve Forces.
-----The Band was kept very busy, playing for a Tri-Service Dinner/Ball, two Recognition (wreath-laying) Ceremonies, two Civic Receptions, leading the impressive street parade of Reserve Forces through Brisbane with the salute taken by the Governor of Queensland; a three-hour charity concert in Ipswich with the RAAF Amberley Brass Band; a joint open-air concert also with the RAAF Amberley Band at the large local Riverlink shopping mall, a 'thank you' parade for RAAF Base Amberley where the band was accommodated, and two one-hour concerts for local retirement villages - all interspersed with several rehearsals and drill practices. Busy indeed!
-----Everywhere they performed the Band was greeted with great warmth and enthusiasm in the very best Anzac spirit. Along the route of the main parade one could hear the crowd calling out "Good on you, Kiwis".
-----Several Aussie-based gunners had picked up news of the Band's visit off the Blog and came along to various of the events. After almost a year in the planning, it was definitely a case of 'mission accomplished'.

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