Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A stirring tale of true grit and courage!

Piggyback Hero
A true story from WW2
"The big bomber shuddered, felt suddenly very heavy and began losing altitude. Rojohn grasped almost immediately that he had collided with another plane.
-----A B-17 below him, piloted by Lt William G McNab, had slammed the top of its fuselage into the bottom of Rojohn's.
-----The top turret gun of McNab's plane was now locked in the belly of Rojohn's plane and the ball turret in the belly of Rojohn's had smashed through the top of McNab's.
-----The two bombers were almost perfectly aligned – the tail of the lower plane was slightly to the left of Rojohn's tailpiece. They were stuck together, as a crewman later recalled, 'like mating dragon flies'."
Read the full account at docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfcqmts6_57d65jh8c3

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