Monday, January 19, 2009


On Monday, 19 Jan 09 burglars raided the rural Tauranga home of Janet Ross (Widow of Alistair Ross, RNZA) during daylight hours while she was at work. The Police found no finger prints or other identifiers and said the MO was that of professionals. They stole a lot of jewellery and other valuables (some of it very valuable and most of it of considerable sentimental value including heirlooms going back several generations).
They also stole Alistair's medals. Alistair's medal set included the two original Vietnam medals and his Long Service Medal. Janet said she had not yet applied for Alistair's Operational Service Medal or NZGSM (with clasp Vietnam) so at least they weren't there to be stolen. Her brother John Mills will be applying for those and getting replacement medals on Janet's behalf. Recovering the stolen medals could lead to recovering other stolen property and possibly help the Police to apprehend the thieves.
Alistair's Vietnam Service Medal would have been engraved with his personal details B372141 Lt (or Capt?) A. D. Ross, RNZA and his LSM would have been engraved B372141 Maj (or Lt Col?) A.D. Ross, RNZA.
Many thanks
Chris Mullane

Please pass this on to anybody & everybody and other networks including any collectors or medal mounters you know of.

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