Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Help to build the memories

The Ministry for Culture and Heritage's (MCH) Vietnam War website is recording memories of New Zealand and the Vietnam War. They want to encourage you to think about posting a memory, together with any memorabilia (for example, photos and newspaper clippings) you may have.
---To give you some ideas, here are some examples of the memories and images which have been contributed to the website: 
---You can also comment on memories and images posted on the website.  Here's an example relating to a feature about the 1RNZIR Band tour to South Vietnam in 1969.
---You may also be interested in the BBC WW2 'People's War' website which was a major inspiration for the Ministry for Culture and Heritage's Vietnam War website.  The BBC gathered 47,000 stories and 15,000 images between June 2003 and January 2006.  You can see an archived version of the project website here.
---Please get in touch with MCH (below) if you need help with submitting a memory or have any queries about the website.  If you know of others who may be interested in the website, it'd be great if you could let them know.
---The website is not the only means of contributing though. As part of the research for this project, MCH is looking for people who are willing to complete a written questionnaire about their experience of the Vietnam War and the time that followed.  This is an opportunity for people to share what they remember from these significant years in our history.  The questionnaires are one of their tools for recording the stories of New Zealand's Vietnam War veterans and their families, and are an important part of their information gathering.

To contribute, or to get information about the project, contact:
Gareth Phipps
Website Content Officer
Vietnam War Oral History Project

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