Sunday, August 31, 2008

A rewarding deed

Just after Tribute08, Brian Edmonds in Cairns learnt that the daughter of an old mate - Jim Anderson - would like to have anything that would add to the little the family knew about his service in the Army and in Viet Nam. Jim is no longer with us.
-----With a little shared sleuthing, Brian managed to contact Bev Bettelheim (Waipawa) and sent her photos and a detailed letter.

Here's what Bev wrote after she heard from Brian:
-----Thank you so much for sending the photos of my Dad! As we speak I have the slide in to be enlarged. It was amazing to get such a wonderful photo of him on his own!!!! I have never seen anything like it before. My family enjoyed seeing a more detailed photo of my Dad.
-----My 28 year old son was sitting there saying "my arms are like his, my face and features are very similar". It gives us all a better feeling about the situation and some sort of closure. My 30 year old daughter also commented on how this particular photo captured such a nice expression - he looks very happy and friendly!
-----Thank you also for taking the time to write the letter with some details about what my Dad was like when you knew him.
[. . . ]
Once again thank you so so much. It has given me a feeling of happy closure now that I have some nice photos to look at.

Kind regards
Bev Bettelheim

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Powderhorn feedback

Powderhorn '64 - a great photo of Peter Williams who we lost at An Nuit SVN in 1967.
-----I was with the UK party in 1964 and, sadly, in the cordon when he died, so good and bad memories with these photos.

Apologies for the AGM,

Tony Wales

Operation Powderhorn, 1964: Changing of the Guard & Larkhill

Just uploaded, photos from Operation Powderhorn, 1964. Copies are widespread, of course, but these have been edited to improve their clarity.
-----You can access them by clicking here or on the header.
-----You can enlarge them by clicking on the magnifying glass icon (wait for it to re-focus)
-----Thanks to Spike Jones for supplying them.

Now . . . who is that? Where's . . .?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Founding of 16 Field Regiment RNZA

Following Tony Tustin's reminder about the beginnings of 16 Field, Brian Jerry Meyer thought that 29 August 1950 might be the founding date and official birthday of the regiment, first commanded by LtCol J W Moodie RNZA.
-----But Harry Honnor, last of the original RF officers, says with authority that 16 Field became an official unit on completion of Corps training, when it paraded for the first time as a complete regiment on 27 October 1950.

For quick access to our official website and more on 16 Field regiment RNZA, click here or on the header.

Taupo reunion: The Spa Hotel reduces its tariffs!

Good news! With a change of management at the Spa Hotel, the chalet tariff has been lowered to the old price of $95 from $125. Studio units are now back to $65 from $95.
-----Breakfast at the Spa is now $15 cooked, or $12.50 continental.

Click here or on the header to download a registration form.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now hear this!

Did you know that, for over 20 years, the War Disablement Pension awarded for hearing loss was wrongly calculated and administered?
-----This is one of the gems that came from the Vets' Health Management Service meeting in August, 2008, (see next post for September agenda).
-----One vet asked for a review of the way his hearing loss had been handled and, within weeks, had almost $1800 credited to correct the 23-year discrepancy.

See your local Pensions Officer, or write to VANZ.

Auckland: Veterans' Health Management Service

On Thursday 4 September, veterans meet again in the Ranfurly Veterans' Centre Recreation Hall, Warren Avenue entrance, Three Kings, starting at 1330 hrs. On the agenda:
  • War Disablement Pension - what does 70% disablement mean?
  • Veteran's Pension (= NZ Superannuation) - who qualifies, what are you entitled to?
  • War Pensions Act 1954, 'Section 23 review' - what does it mean to you, how do you qualify?
  • Comprehensive Medical Assessment for VN vets - how do you apply, what is entailed, why have it done?
  • WINZ assistance for dental work, glasses, etc
  • WINZ Disability Allowance - what is it, who qualifies, what is available
  • What does '0%' mean when you have applied for a War Disablement Pension for, say, osteo-arthritis left shoulder, or diabetes?

These meetings bring you up-to-date information and enable you to discuss issues that affect you and your mates, wherever or when you served in a conflict.

Be there for your own benefit!

Korea: 29 August 1950

Tony Tustin writes to remind us that today marks 58 years since the first recruits marched in to train for service in the Korean War. Tony arrived at Linton which, believe me, was not what it is today!

Affiliation to RNZRSA

Back in April, a Special General Meeting approved the Association being affiliated to the national body of the RSA movement. We have been advised that this has been endorsed by the RSA's National Executive Committee, and has been referred to the October meeting of the National Council for approval.
-----Once approved, we will be able to send one delegate and one observer to future Council and Affiliate meetings.

New members admitted

At the committee meeting held today, six gunners were admitted to full membership. They are Brig (Rtd) John Valintine, Kerry Huston, Peter B A Williams, Howard Marsters and George Preston. Details of their service will appear in the next issue of New Zealand Gunner at the end of September.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Taupo AGM: Spa Hotel accommodation

We have three studio units still available, and ten or so chalets with private spa pool.
-----If you want to be handy to most of the activities, now is a good time to decide on your accommodation.

How are they getting along?

As members respond to the notice of AGM and send in their apologies, where needed, the state of health among us becomes more apparent than usual.
-----While some of those who won't be there are off to other lands and climes - Gordon Stevenson to Irkutsk in Siberia or, in Pat Duggan's case, sunning himself in Riverton at the bottom of South Island - many more are coping with their own or their partner's ill health.
-----Privacy concerns prevent me from repeating the touching tales that come through, but look through the list of apologies and wonder just how members are getting along, who would normally be with us in Taupo and can't make it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How to register for the AGM/Reunion

Looking for the registration form, for the November AGM and Reunion in Taupo?
-----Click on the link above or in the right-hand column. Register online if you wish, by emailing the form, and direct credit the RNZA Association's account.

AGM & Reunion, Taupo, attendance & apologies

Registrations and apologies received as at 26 August for the 2008 AGM and Reunion, at Taupo on 7-9 November are available to view at Attending, Apologies

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Last Post: Bernie Ayling

Sad news from Joe Panoho this morning, that Bernie Ayling passed away at Currumundi, Queensland, on Saturday 23 August.

More information as it comes to hand - anyone?

That way - I think . . .

I have had a request from an ex-29 Commando Regiment vet who nows lives in NZ. He has tried to locate a service to overhaul and calibrate a Prismatic M-73 Compass, but with no success.
Can anyone out there help before he gets seriously lost?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How far is that?

'Map my run' is a really useful website that allows you to work out how far it is from A to B (or Z, if you wish), with an estimated time for completion. You can apply it to walks, hikes, bike rides, jogging, runs - or whatever. (Works for vehicles too, but how could you?)
-----I checked my three favourite fitness walks and found they are: 1) 6.5 km, 2) 6.4 km, and 3) 5 km long. The terrain rises, falls and rises by 29 metres en route. Perhaps I will actually walk along them one day.
-----It's very easy to use, once you get the hang of it - give it a whirl.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A place to be

I was singing and entertaining at Standown Caravan Park (Vietnam veteran owned) which is situated east of Gympie on the Tin Can Bay road, about 2 clicks east of Kia Ora turn off. The address is 91 Radtke Road, Goomboorian Qld 4570.
-----One of the (Aussie Gunner) veterans attending the Long Tan dinner asked me to take this thing out of his pocket . . . and guess what it said: "GOD only loves the ARTILLERY".
-----Many of the vets went to Cooloola Cove for Long Tan and came back for a shindig at Standown. It's a great place to stay and the camaraderie is even better.
-----Any vets travelling through can make contact through

Clarence Ormsby

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Researching Murray Connor

Good Evening,
I am trying to compile a family history for myself and my children. I discovered that my grandfather was a member of your organisation by googling his name.
-----Due to a house fire, I have no photos of my grandparent, and have sketchy information at best from my parents.
-----It would be greatly appreciated if you could email me with any information that you may have regarding my Grandfather.

Regards, Rebecca Connor
We have nothing on file for Rebecca, but I have referred her to NZDF Archives for Murray's service records.
-----What we need are photos from any time in his career, anecdotes or anything else that would be of interest to the family.
-----Email or post them to me and I'll collate what we have to send on.

Monday, August 18, 2008

18 August: On Long Tan Day in Cairns

Linda and I are currently in Cairns. This morning we went into town for Linda to see a doctor. After that we went over to a local shopping centre and, lo and behold, ran into Ray Hughes and Kay. They are also up this way with their caravan tripping around.
-----The last time we ran into them was just before Long Tan Day, two  years ago at a Caravan Park on Bribie Island just north of Brisbane. We did not have a caravan then. We were staying in a Cabin and just went for a walk around the Park. Ray was coming out of the amenities as we went past.
-----Talk about the chances of that happening in a country of 21 million.
-----Monday afternoon I attended the Long Tan Day Commemorative Service in Cairns. The New Zealand Contingent was Brian Edmonds, Laurie Bailey( V3 and RNZE) and myself. Laurie laid a wreath on behalf of New Zealand Vietnam Vets.


Brian Jerry Meyer


Click to enlarge
L5 105mm at full recoil - note the effect of
blast on Lyall McGregor's pants.

Serious firefight in Afghanistan

Here's a battle report from Stars and Stripes - nothing has changed except the faces and the scenery.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last Post: Chaplain R W Blair MBE, & Hohepa (Joe) Rogers RNZA, SAS

We have been advised that:

(1) 34826 Chaplain Riga Wells BLAIR, MBE, NZ Chaplains Department passed away peacefully at Ilam Life Care, Christchurch, on Wednesday 13 August 2008, in his 93rd year.
-----Chaplain Blair served with Field Artillery 2NZEF, Middle East, and was Chaplain in the NZ Army Regular Force for many years.
-----The service to celebrate Riga's life will be held at St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Fendalton Road, Fendalton, Christchurch, on Monday 18 August 2008 at 1300hrs, followed by interment at St Mary's Church Cemetery, Halswell at approximately 1515hrs.
-----Messages to the Blair family, c/o 19 London Street, Christchurch 8013.

(2) 34382 Hohepa (Joe) ROGERS ex 163 Bty, 16 Field Regiment, Korea 1952-53, and 2Troop NZ Sqn, 22 SAS Regiment, Malaya 1955-57, passed away on Friday, 15 August 2008.
-----His funeral is to be held at the Tunohopu Marae, Ohinemutu, Rotorua on Monday, 18 August 2008 at 1000hrs.
-----No further details available.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Your new lapel badge is waiting for you now

Yes, the new RNZA Association lapel pins are available here and now! These badges are of very high quality and will look great on your lapel (truly!) as well as promote the image of the Association. See the badge at:
-----They are priced at $7.50 each, post included. And, yes, Association funds will benefit by a small margin on each sale. Good on you!

-----Contact Mike Dakin at, or write to Q Store, 37a Palliser Lane, Browns Bay, Auckland 0630.
-----If you order by email, you may pay by direct credit online, or by deposit at any Kiwibank/Post Shop. (Kiwibank, RNZA Association, account number 38-9007-0694501-00). Make sure your name is included as payee!

From the Secret Squirrel's shoemail

'X' came up to me yesterday with news that some old MIDs have been awarded for involvement back to the Fifties . . . there must be an interesting story there for our readers. [Who has the gen?]
-----Also for skin cancer sufferers is the news that Imiquimod (Aldara) is being funded by Pharmac w.e.f. 1 Sep 2008 . . . at the moment Aldara costs $180 for 12 satchets. I have checked it out with a local pharmacy and it is true but the media have not published it yet. Aldara is a cream that can be administerd by the patient and is capable of healing some skin cancers without surgery. Very cosmetic.

Cheers . . . SS

Friday, August 15, 2008

18 August: The Battle of Long Tan remembered

Here's a touching and fitting tribute to those who fought - and those who fell - at Long Tan, South Viet Nam, on 18 August 1966. Go to I was only 19.

Watch for Willie Walker and Morrie Stanley.

War Pensions Review: The President of the RSA explains the situation

We all need to get up to speed on what is happening with the Law Commission's Review of the War Pensions Act 1954. Robin Klitscher, President of the RNZRSA, has written a useful and informative explanation of the way it is being approached.
Read it here.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

War Pensions Act review, discussion papers

The War Pensions Act Review issues paper is now available for download on the Law Commission’s website

It is also available for download from

Our Association, about to become affiliated with RNZRSA, will coordinate any submissions you wish to send in after you have read the issues papers. Our deadline is 26 September.

The RSA's overview and recommendations are at

Norway: Perfection in close-order drill

Kim McGrath has sent a link for video of the HM Kongene Garde, 3 Garde Kompani.

Go to Norwegian Army drill display

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1RAR, Bien Hoa, reunion

Have you been contacted yet about a 1RAR reunion at Campbelltown, NSW, Australia? It is scheduled for 10-12 October 2008.

If you haven't, contact

Tom Gosper
1RAR 65-66, Bien Hoa

1800s soldier

This photo is from my great great grandparents album - George and Sarah (nee THOMPSON) HARRIS. They married in 1885 and lived in Paua-tahanui near Wellington.
-----Possibly from one of the Volunteer Units of the late 1800s in New Zealand?
Cheryl Berquist
nee Duggan
If you have any ideas about this man's unit or uniform, please contact Cheryl direct:

Aussie TV coverage of Long Tan remembrance

The Battle of Long Tan documentary program will be replayed on the Foxtel History Channel (608) at these times:
Monday 18 Aug - 0930 and 2130
Tuesday 19 Aug - 0530 and 1330

Honours at last for Aussie Long Tan veterans

Read the Brisbane Courier Mail article on Long Tan recognition

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Last Post: Les Kairau

We have been advised that 302986 Leslie (Apirehe) KAIRAU, RNZA, ex 1RNZIR 1963-65 Malaysia/Borneo, 161 Bty SVN, passed away peacefully at Papakura on Monday 4 August 2008, aged 74 years. Leslie served with the NZ Army from 1963-1983.
-----His Tangi was to be held at 20 Fairdale Road, Redhill, Papakura, on Friday 8 August 2008 at 0900hrs, departing Papakura at 1000hrs for Pakotai, Mangakahia, for a Graveside Service to be held at the Family Urupa at 1400hrs.
-----No further details are available.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Last Post: Major James Donald Carson OBE, founder of the NZ Army Band

From Pete Carter, via Brian Jerry Meyer:

JD passed away very quietly (finally) at 7 PM 0n 1 August. He had a wonderful day yesterday with Jools...spent the morning in Remuera on foot at the bank and also breakfast at the DELI . . . his favourite coffeee spot. This morning he had plans . . . obviously. Not sure what they were, but he got up and showered at 7, had a shave and was fully dressed when he left the bathroom. In other words he was prepared and totally immaculate. He collapsed on his bed having a massive heart attack.
-----He's been surrounded by a big group of friends and James and Julie all day in Auckland Hospital. The staff were wonderful, kept him calm all day but after a huge struggle he gave up at 7 PM. He fought all day and never gave up . . . he was amazing. So a great man and mate has passed on.
-----So sorry to bring you sad news. I'm sure you'll pass this on to all the appropriate people as well. Jools would really appreciate that. A big musical farewell is planned, hopefully with Army Band participation and Auckland Grammar music department as well.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Last Post: Charlie Doar

307450 Pte Doar B C (Charlie)
1RNZIR Malaya Borneo 1963-65
161 Battery, RNZA, Viet Nam, 1966/67

Charlie died in Whangarei on 2 August 2008. A service to be held at Poroti Marae, Whangarei, on Friday at 1-00 pm, then to Whangarei Maunu Lawn cemetery.

Any member who is able to is asked to attend his service.

Last Post: Major R O (Jerry) Meyer

Major R O (Jerry) Meyer who was at Papakura in the late 50s, and a member of  our Association, died on Sunday, 3 August.
-----His funeral is at 1pm on Thursday 7 Aug at the North Harbour Chapel of Dil's Funeral Services, 185 Schnapper Rock Rd, Albany, followed by private cremation.
-----Any members who are able to attend are asked to do so.