Sunday, August 31, 2008

A rewarding deed

Just after Tribute08, Brian Edmonds in Cairns learnt that the daughter of an old mate - Jim Anderson - would like to have anything that would add to the little the family knew about his service in the Army and in Viet Nam. Jim is no longer with us.
-----With a little shared sleuthing, Brian managed to contact Bev Bettelheim (Waipawa) and sent her photos and a detailed letter.

Here's what Bev wrote after she heard from Brian:
-----Thank you so much for sending the photos of my Dad! As we speak I have the slide in to be enlarged. It was amazing to get such a wonderful photo of him on his own!!!! I have never seen anything like it before. My family enjoyed seeing a more detailed photo of my Dad.
-----My 28 year old son was sitting there saying "my arms are like his, my face and features are very similar". It gives us all a better feeling about the situation and some sort of closure. My 30 year old daughter also commented on how this particular photo captured such a nice expression - he looks very happy and friendly!
-----Thank you also for taking the time to write the letter with some details about what my Dad was like when you knew him.
[. . . ]
Once again thank you so so much. It has given me a feeling of happy closure now that I have some nice photos to look at.

Kind regards
Bev Bettelheim

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