Monday, August 18, 2008

18 August: On Long Tan Day in Cairns

Linda and I are currently in Cairns. This morning we went into town for Linda to see a doctor. After that we went over to a local shopping centre and, lo and behold, ran into Ray Hughes and Kay. They are also up this way with their caravan tripping around.
-----The last time we ran into them was just before Long Tan Day, two  years ago at a Caravan Park on Bribie Island just north of Brisbane. We did not have a caravan then. We were staying in a Cabin and just went for a walk around the Park. Ray was coming out of the amenities as we went past.
-----Talk about the chances of that happening in a country of 21 million.
-----Monday afternoon I attended the Long Tan Day Commemorative Service in Cairns. The New Zealand Contingent was Brian Edmonds, Laurie Bailey( V3 and RNZE) and myself. Laurie laid a wreath on behalf of New Zealand Vietnam Vets.


Brian Jerry Meyer

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