Thursday, August 28, 2008

Auckland: Veterans' Health Management Service

On Thursday 4 September, veterans meet again in the Ranfurly Veterans' Centre Recreation Hall, Warren Avenue entrance, Three Kings, starting at 1330 hrs. On the agenda:
  • War Disablement Pension - what does 70% disablement mean?
  • Veteran's Pension (= NZ Superannuation) - who qualifies, what are you entitled to?
  • War Pensions Act 1954, 'Section 23 review' - what does it mean to you, how do you qualify?
  • Comprehensive Medical Assessment for VN vets - how do you apply, what is entailed, why have it done?
  • WINZ assistance for dental work, glasses, etc
  • WINZ Disability Allowance - what is it, who qualifies, what is available
  • What does '0%' mean when you have applied for a War Disablement Pension for, say, osteo-arthritis left shoulder, or diabetes?

These meetings bring you up-to-date information and enable you to discuss issues that affect you and your mates, wherever or when you served in a conflict.

Be there for your own benefit!

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