Friday, October 31, 2008

Lost trail

Mail has just been returned from Irene Rollo, 'not known'. She was at 14B Renown Road, Raumati South.
Does anyone know what has happened to her?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

RNZRSA: New CEO; national raffle

Robin Klitscher, National President, RNZRSA, has announced the appointment as new CEO, of  . . . MORE

RNZRSA will run a series of raffles nationwide, with attractive prizes, 'to assist in the funding of RNZRSA Community Projects such as . . .' MORELink

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A special apology, and best wishes

The Colonel Commandant writes:

Hi to you all,
Request my apologies be noted for this years AGM. I will be in Townsville 5-8 Nov with my Col Comdt hat on visiting Kapyong Battery (a combination of 161 & 163 Btys) on exercise. Sorry about the late notification of non-attendance but I was waiting for the Townsville visit to be confirmed.
---I trust you all have a great reunion, and Denis, on both my own behalf and on behalf of the Regiment thanks for all you have done for the association not only as President but also on the committee over many years. We are all very grateful for your dedication and stewardship.
Best wishes and kind regards,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Will she . . . ? Won't she . . . ?

From Bryce Harrison:
A fully loaded Russian IL-76 cargo plane . . . payload ‘claims’ 1 million pounds (but no way to verify) . . . it is HUGE though!!!! 
---Listen to the 'controllers' in the tower who are Australian: Ya gotta love it. 
---'The Vodka Burner' as the Aussies call it, literally uses every inch of runway . . . 
---WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO (shot from the tower). You can HEAR THE CONVERSATION IN THE TOWER. They are incredulous . . . that it makes it . . .

CLICK HERE or on the header

Where WOULD you go for the AGM/Reunion?

By tradition, we normally have our AGM and reunion at Taupo in November. But each year the question is asked: 'Why?'

Skin Frances writes:
The possibility of holding AGMs at different locs was raised at the AGM a number of years ago where it had to be held in Palmerston North, as the normal loc in Taupo was being refurbished.
---The [NZ-wide] member distribution suggests 3 or 4 regional locations could be used over a 3 or 4 year rotation period, e.g. 2 or 3 in the Nth Island spread between Auckland, Waikato and Wellington, and one in the South Island.
---Varied locations would encourage more local attendance and ease the travel burden for those living further from Taupo.
---I strongly support holding AGMs in different locations and a 3-4 rotation period.
Skin Frances

Skin isn't the only one to voice these thoughts. Lyall McGregor would like to see us in Queenstown, and Ron Moroney wrote:
If it comes up, I am not enamoured by Taupo and much prefer Rotorua as a venue. The RSA there is brilliant with a first class restaurant. Plenty of room for an AGM and a sec/mgr skilled in hosting reunions, which he does for St Eligius Day each year. 
---Accommodation is never a problem and the adventurous can ride the luge down the mountain at Ngongataha or visit another of the many attractions available. The airport is much better too.
---No, I don't live there but Marie Roberts will no doubt agree with me.

As things stand, the next venue will be decided by 24 Full Members voting at the AGM. If you have an opinion (keep it brief!) post it here on Muzzle Flashes. It's no use moaning after the event.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AGM: Nominations for Elections

Nominations a required for the elected positions provided for by the Association' Constitution and Rules. The positions are President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six committee members. (At present the roles of Secretary and Treasurer are combined.)
---Nominations may be put forward for any or all slots, noting that five of the eight incumbents are available for re-election.
---Make a nomination now, as that will help us all to know who's out there. Under the rules, however, you can still nominate someone during the AGM. As nominations come forward I will publish them on Muzzle Flashes.
---The current elected Officers and Committee Members are:
  1. Denis Dwayne -President  ------------Standing down
  2. Barry Dreyer   Vice President*------   Available
  3. Mike Dakin--   Secretary/Treasurer - Available
  4. Frank Hopkinson  -------------------- Available
  5. Spike Jones --------------------------- Available
  6. Jeff Waters --------------------------- Available
  7. Ted Lile  -------------------------------Standing down
  8. Marie Roberts  ------------------------Standing down (Marie remains as Editor of NZ Gunner)
* The VP is elected from within the committee, not by the AGM.

Committee Members at Large (co-opted)
  1. Graeme Black
  2. Bob Kerslake

AGM: Proposed amendments to our Rules & Constitution

Your committee has reviewed the Constitution and Rules adopted at the AGM in November 2007, having found some deficiencies and discrepancies. The proposed amendments fall into three areas:
  1. Changes proposed to simplify Auditing, for example, and other issues that affect our administration;
  2. Additions and deletions to clarify issues such as Associate membership for family of deceased non-members – eg, KIA, lost souls, etc – and for others who may not be covered by existing rules;
  3. Some rewording to clarify meaning.
To access and read the proposals online, click here or on the header.

Your comments, suggestions and feedback will be welcomed.



Funeral: Nora Weaver, Life Member

Nora's funeral service will be held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, St Andrews Road, Epsom, Auckland, at 2.00 pm on Thursday, 23 October 2008.

Any member who is able, is asked to attend.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Last Post: Nora Weaver, WRAC, Life Member

Today we lost a Life Member, Nora Weaver, who was an English WRAC during WW2 and somehow met Gordon Weaver when he was repatriated; theirs became a love story that had its final ending today when Nora again followed Gordon.
---Nora and Gordon were stalwarts of the Old Comrades Association, frequently at reunions and having a great time.
---Her funeral will be on Thursday, details later. As is our tradition, members are asked to attend our comrade's service.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More Long Tan doco comment

. . . most of that particular Long Tan doco was shot in Papakura Camp - Dave Sabben was working in Akld so the USQ made the decision to do most of the shooting here and Papakura was the logical site for everyone with Denis & Willie still in the Army.
---Also, GPO 161 Bty at the battle was Peter Williams, so my comment [in the doco] about digging soldiers out of the CP on night 16 Aug was out of an ACV-CP at A Btry 2/35th Arty - the dreaded Eures Bty where I was the XO at the time. The film implies it was the 161 CP that was a tad crowded. Probably was, but I cannot possibly comment.
Barry Dreyer

How the stock market works

Once upon a time in a place overrun with monkeys, a man appeared and announced to . . . More

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Taupo AGM & Reunion: Attending/Apologies

We have 43 registered for the Reunion and AGM, 7-9 Nov, with a few more threatening to sign up.
-----Click here or on the header to see who's who - if you're not mentioned, let me know.
-----And it's never too late to decide to be there!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Review: Battle of Long Tan video

John Ovens writes:
"The 3-part piece on the Battle of Long Tan was excellent and very interesting.  It was also made more alive for us, in having a number of our own chaps featured from the support battery."

If you missed it, click here or on the header.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Breaking news! Affiliation to RNZRSA

The RNZRSA has written to say that its National Council has resolved that our Association become an affiliated organisation, effective from 1 November.
-----We are now able to take part in National Council meetings each year, and be on the Affiliates Committee, which meets twice each year.
-----The two benefits of this are that 1), we are able to make our voice heard at the outset, not after it's all done and dusted, and 2), we get news as and when it happens, not long after the event.
-----You will be better informed and your needs and interests will be promoted through our participation.

Thanks to Rod Baldwin for suggesting that we affiliate, a good idea come to fruition.

No offence intended!

Neil Bradley thought I'd gone too far by airing a lampoon of Sarah Palin on our blog - to Neil and anyone else I've offended, I apologise, (and without being directed to by the BSA). I don't know yet what Sarah's reaction was, but tell her I'm sorry too if you see her.
----Yes, we are apolitical and perhaps it was unfair to take advantage of Sarah, whom I happen to admire in so many ways.


A military day at MOTAT

The Museum of Transport & Technology in Auckland has a Military Live Day on Sunday 19 October. 
-----The day includes live test firing of WW2 machine guns [Stirlings, I wonder?] at 11 am, and re-enactment of "famous battles from WW2 (1.15 pm) and Viet Nam (2.30 pm)". And there's a lot of other stuff going on too.
-----And, as a bonus, you'll see and hear the Band of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery perform.
-----It's $30 for a family of two adults and up to four children; $14 each for adults; and $7 each for under-16s and senior citizens. Senior cits, of course, have free bus travel.

Separation Anxiety . . .

. . . and how to handle a break-up.

Click on the header.

Japanese banks having problems

Following the problems in the sub-prime lending market in America and the run on Northern Rock in the UK, uncertainty has now hit Japan.
-----In the last 7 days the Origami Bank has folded, the Sumo Bank has gone belly up and the Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches.
-----Yesterday, it was announced that the Karaoke Bank is up for sale and will likely go for a song, while today shares in the Kamikaze Bank were in free-fall after they nose-dived.
-----While the Samurai Bank is soldiering on following sharp cutbacks, the Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but they remain in the black.
----Furthermore, 500 staff at the Karate Bank got the chop and analysts report that there is something fishy going on at the Sushi Bank where it is feared that staff may get a raw deal.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

YouTube doco: Battle of Long Tan

Morrie Stanley gives us a heads up on a very interesting documentary on YouTube. Its three parts cover the events leading up to, during and following the Battle of Long Tan, 18 Aug 66.

You will see and hear many familiar people of the time, plus the story from the Viet Cong point of view.

Sarah in the Oval Office

You'll be fascinated, amused, even appalled by this interactive visit to Sarah Palin in the Oval Office. Click here or on the header, then move your mouse arrow around. Wherever the arrow changes into a pointing finger, click! Lights go on/off, doors open (spooky), curtains rise and fall, Sarah speaks - and much,much more.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To be an American today

If you purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you will have $49.00 today.
If you purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you will have $33.00 today. 
If you purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, you will have $0.00 today. 

But, if you purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling refund, you will have received $214.00. Based on this, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle. It is called the 401-Keg.

A recent study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. That means that, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon!

Makes you proud to be an American!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Can you help? Des & John Barkle in VN

Bruce Young writes:
I need help please with checking some detail for a deceased veteran, John Barkle.
------John and his father Des served at the same time in Vietnam. I'm helping John's widow Lynne to establish whether they were together for John's 21st in February 1969 [Note 2], or 22nd birthday in Feb 70. The correct detail will also be used in an article on the W3 website.
-----These are the facts I need checked out please:
  • Did Lcpl or Cpl John Barkle serve with W2 Coy between 14 November 1968 and 27 March 1969; if so any idea why the tour was cut short?
  • John also trained with W3 in Terendak [he is in the W3 photo in probably October 1969] but also briefly reinforced W2 from 29 Oct 1969 until W3 arrived 10 Nov 69 when he rejoined W3.
  • When did Des Barkle serve with 161 in the period 1969 - 70? Des was BQMS in Vietnam for Christmas 1969 [Note 1] when he and John were photographed together. Des was also with 22 Bty Fort Dorset in May 1970 when John left W3 for RTNZ.
  1. Our records show Des as arriving VN in 1968, so could that have been Xmas 1968, not 1969?
  2. If Des served in VN in 1968, then he would have been with John on the latter's 21st birthday in February 1969.
Contact Bruce at if you can help him and John's widow.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Zealand’s First Flag

John Osborn often comes up with something really interesting in his research into New Zealand's early years. In this case, John has written an article on a merchantman, Sir George Murray, and the ship's role in initiating the first New Zealand flag. Read it here or click on the header.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

105 shoot, Waiouru - who are they?

Ron Moroney (r) would like to know who the others are in this photo.
Not easy to guess with their backs turned - what were they thinking?
One suspect is Kevin Burnell, but all suggestions will be welcomed.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aussie news: VN Digger remains returned home

The Mercury, Hobart, Tasmania, has an interesting report on the recovery and return home of a Viet Nam vet's remains, long given up as lost and irrecoverable.

Abel Tasman's Ships, 1642-43

In the course of research in the Boyd Affair, John Osborne has come across a big book on every detail of Abel Tasman's ships and his discovery of Tasmania and New Zealand.

John writes: ". . . [this] excellent book on Able Tasman’s Ships 164
2, [. . .] is the most comprehensive and detailed Sailing Ships  research project I have ever seen. The detail of the plans and modeling is fantastic."

Yes, it is well worth at least browsing, more so if you're into old-time model ships. It had me hooked for quite a while. Click here or on the header to access the book.

Membership applications

Membership application forms are here.

You will find the permanent link in the right hand column.

A message from Her Majesty, The Queen

Her Majesty is not amused . . . click here or on the header

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Impressive paintings

Two paintings to die for - here.

Kids are quick!

Sometimes we need to laugh. I'd really like to send you some of the current political humour, but this site is apolitical (of course) even though we all know who will win the election and succeed George Bush. 
-----So in my search for something more intelligent (not hard, actually) and also unexceptionable, I came across this: MORE

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update: Peter 'Doggo' Downs

. . . via Brian Jerry Meyer -

Peter 'Doggo' Downs has deployed back to home base 26 Federation Drive PM today ex 9 days hosp.
-----Health improving – Lower respiratory problems under control sufficient for relapse to base. He was suffering Human Virus Type 2 second year in row. Virus remains in system, untreatable until it reaches bacterial stage in lower respiratory system – by now at Bronchopneumonia stage.
-----A complexity arises in drug treatment for example when two Beta Blocker drugs used come into conflict creating severe bronchial spasms. Necessary to discontinue use of heart protecting Beta Blocker to allow lung healing beta blocker to clear lungs.
-----Effort of heart and lungs working overtime caused build up of 6 Kg of fluid swollen ankles and feet. Judicious use of drugs to expel fluid came in to conflict with another steroid used to heal lungs. 
-----Reduction of steroid dose reduced some fluid evacuated each night only small losses at time. Recommence use of heart protecting drug Metoporal in Drs Surgery next Monday morning to ensure severe reactive problems do not occur with reintroduction.

Peter thanks all those who took interest in his well being.

Signed Adjutant 

Can you help reunite these old comrades?

Lorraine Knightbridge has written to ask for help in bringing two old gunner comrades together

I wonder if you can help me. I am trying to get an email address or any contact address for [Gloria Vivienne] 'Ngaire' Subritzky who was in the 9th Regiment and 63rd Battery. I stumbled by accident on her webpages and photos and showed them to my mother who is now 84 yrs of age.
-----My mother came from Katikati and was in the 9th Regiment and 63rd Battery and on the Auckland radar, just like Ngaire. My mother remembers Ngaire and says that Ngaire was a year older than her. I would love to surprise her by making contact with Ngaire on her behalf.
-----My mother's maiden name was Joan Esmee Henry who married my father (who was also in the army) after the war and came to live in Taranaki. Her father George Bryce Henry (my grandfather) was one of the instigators who got the Katikati war memorial hall built and he too served in the army during the first world war and lost a leg.
-----I do hope to hear from you soon and hope that you can help me.

Kind regards
Lorraine Knightbridge (Mrs)

If you are able to help Lorraine reunite these old comrades, contact her at

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pat moves up one . . .

Our now ex- [Canterbury] District President, B J Clark QSM has just been elected to the office of RSA National Vice President at the RSA National Council in Wellington today. [. . .]

[. . .] what that means to the Canterbury District [is] that as your elected District Vice President I now occupy the position of District President of the Canterbury District RSA's and I look forward to the challenges that role will bring me . . .

Congratulations, Pat, well done the Gunners!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New GM for VANZ: Brig (Rtd) Rick Ottaway

[On 22 September,] Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant General Jerry Mateparae [. . .] announced Brigadier (Retired) Rick Ottaway as the new General Manager of Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand (VANZ).
-----Earlier this year VANZ became an operational unit of the Defence Force, while at the same time becoming the sole agency with end-to-end ownership and accountability for the entire . . . MORE

Should you know what you're entitled to?

Three related issues keep coming up among vets when they gather:
  1. 'Full and frank' disclosure of vets' entitlements in a document that is published and delivered.
  2. The timeliness of VANZ/WP action. 
  3. Accessible help 24/7.
There may be action underway already. But do what you can to raise awareness and push for results. MORE

Sweet charity

You may recall that we applied for registration as a charity under new legislation, back in March. The Charities Commission has been thinking about it since then, but we have had no clear indication of when we might know the answer. Their latest response to my enquiry is: MORE

Saturday, October 4, 2008

3RAR's informal history project

Alexander Bates, CEO and Chairman 3RAR Corporation, has written to us to invite any member of the RNZA Association, and in particular 161 Bty, to contribute to 3RAR's 21st Birthday Book experiences that they may have had while associated with the Batallion. Alexander asks, "Where would 3RAR have been without the support of 161 Bty in both Korea and Vietnam?".

Read more about the project here or click on the header.

Their editor, Pat Cannard,  is keen to have stories from any Gunners who have a tale to tell. You can send your recollections direct to her at

Friday, October 3, 2008

Grand Massed Bands Armistice Concert

Another opportunity to hear 'our' band
Auckland’s four great Service Bands  -  the Navy, Artillery, Air Force and Police  -  come together on stage at the Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, North Shore on Saturday 8th November, at 1.00pm, for a feast of splendid military-style music to mark the 90th Anniversary of the End of World War 1  -  the fourth in the series of great commemorative concerts.
------Each band will play its own first-half mini-concert, and in the second-half they will combine in a crescendo of stirring sound.
------Definitely a not-to-be-missed event.   Tickets are $20 adults; $16 seniors & students (plus $2 booking fee) from the Box Office or Ticketmaster (Tel: 0800 111 999).  Proceeds to Ranfurly Veterans Trust.  
-----Enquiries to Bob Davis on (09) 413 5322 or at

Rambo LisaNova searches for her father, John Rambo

Here's a bit of end of the week rubbish for the lads! 
Rambo LisaNova searches for her father (Click here or on the header) 
From Rod Simpson
(Sorry, it's not X-rated)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Taupo attendance updated, broken link fixed

The attendance register had grown to 37, with more still to come - including yours? 

To view the list, click here or on the header.

Vet's death officially attributed to Agent Orange

The New Zealand Herald, 3 October 2008, has news of a Viet Nam vet's death due to cigarette smoking and Agent Orange.
"Veterans have told the Herald it is the first time in New Zealand history a death has been officially attributed to [this] chemical."
Read the article here or click on the header.

Vietnam War History - 161 Bty & 4 Tp NZSAS, 1971

Te Manatū Taonga/the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Vietnam War Oral History Project, has just uploaded a new feature on their website about the 1971 civic reception for 161 Battery and 4 Troop NZSAS in Auckland.
-----The feature is based on photographs taken during the parade by John Miller. The link is or click on the header


Gareth Phipps
Website Content Officer