Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can you help reunite these old comrades?

Lorraine Knightbridge has written to ask for help in bringing two old gunner comrades together

I wonder if you can help me. I am trying to get an email address or any contact address for [Gloria Vivienne] 'Ngaire' Subritzky who was in the 9th Regiment and 63rd Battery. I stumbled by accident on her webpages and photos and showed them to my mother who is now 84 yrs of age.
-----My mother came from Katikati and was in the 9th Regiment and 63rd Battery and on the Auckland radar, just like Ngaire. My mother remembers Ngaire and says that Ngaire was a year older than her. I would love to surprise her by making contact with Ngaire on her behalf.
-----My mother's maiden name was Joan Esmee Henry who married my father (who was also in the army) after the war and came to live in Taranaki. Her father George Bryce Henry (my grandfather) was one of the instigators who got the Katikati war memorial hall built and he too served in the army during the first world war and lost a leg.
-----I do hope to hear from you soon and hope that you can help me.

Kind regards
Lorraine Knightbridge (Mrs)

If you are able to help Lorraine reunite these old comrades, contact her at l.knightbridge@xtra.co.nz

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