Monday, October 13, 2008

Can you help? Des & John Barkle in VN

Bruce Young writes:
I need help please with checking some detail for a deceased veteran, John Barkle.
------John and his father Des served at the same time in Vietnam. I'm helping John's widow Lynne to establish whether they were together for John's 21st in February 1969 [Note 2], or 22nd birthday in Feb 70. The correct detail will also be used in an article on the W3 website.
-----These are the facts I need checked out please:
  • Did Lcpl or Cpl John Barkle serve with W2 Coy between 14 November 1968 and 27 March 1969; if so any idea why the tour was cut short?
  • John also trained with W3 in Terendak [he is in the W3 photo in probably October 1969] but also briefly reinforced W2 from 29 Oct 1969 until W3 arrived 10 Nov 69 when he rejoined W3.
  • When did Des Barkle serve with 161 in the period 1969 - 70? Des was BQMS in Vietnam for Christmas 1969 [Note 1] when he and John were photographed together. Des was also with 22 Bty Fort Dorset in May 1970 when John left W3 for RTNZ.
  1. Our records show Des as arriving VN in 1968, so could that have been Xmas 1968, not 1969?
  2. If Des served in VN in 1968, then he would have been with John on the latter's 21st birthday in February 1969.
Contact Bruce at if you can help him and John's widow.

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