Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AGM: Nominations for Elections

Nominations a required for the elected positions provided for by the Association' Constitution and Rules. The positions are President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six committee members. (At present the roles of Secretary and Treasurer are combined.)
---Nominations may be put forward for any or all slots, noting that five of the eight incumbents are available for re-election.
---Make a nomination now, as that will help us all to know who's out there. Under the rules, however, you can still nominate someone during the AGM. As nominations come forward I will publish them on Muzzle Flashes.
---The current elected Officers and Committee Members are:
  1. Denis Dwayne -President  ------------Standing down
  2. Barry Dreyer   Vice President*------   Available
  3. Mike Dakin--   Secretary/Treasurer - Available
  4. Frank Hopkinson  -------------------- Available
  5. Spike Jones --------------------------- Available
  6. Jeff Waters --------------------------- Available
  7. Ted Lile  -------------------------------Standing down
  8. Marie Roberts  ------------------------Standing down (Marie remains as Editor of NZ Gunner)
* The VP is elected from within the committee, not by the AGM.

Committee Members at Large (co-opted)
  1. Graeme Black
  2. Bob Kerslake

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