Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update: Peter 'Doggo' Downs

. . . via Brian Jerry Meyer -

Peter 'Doggo' Downs has deployed back to home base 26 Federation Drive PM today ex 9 days hosp.
-----Health improving – Lower respiratory problems under control sufficient for relapse to base. He was suffering Human Virus Type 2 second year in row. Virus remains in system, untreatable until it reaches bacterial stage in lower respiratory system – by now at Bronchopneumonia stage.
-----A complexity arises in drug treatment for example when two Beta Blocker drugs used come into conflict creating severe bronchial spasms. Necessary to discontinue use of heart protecting Beta Blocker to allow lung healing beta blocker to clear lungs.
-----Effort of heart and lungs working overtime caused build up of 6 Kg of fluid swollen ankles and feet. Judicious use of drugs to expel fluid came in to conflict with another steroid used to heal lungs. 
-----Reduction of steroid dose reduced some fluid evacuated each night only small losses at time. Recommence use of heart protecting drug Metoporal in Drs Surgery next Monday morning to ensure severe reactive problems do not occur with reintroduction.

Peter thanks all those who took interest in his well being.

Signed Adjutant 

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