Saturday, November 29, 2008

St Barbara's Day, Christchurch

From Pete Dawson:
Boy, we're having fun keeping everyone up to speed with St Barbara's Day in Christchurch.
---The dinner on the evening of 3 December 2008 has been cancelled as the RSA has employed a new Chef who doesn't start until a week later.
---We will however be celebrating with a few drinks and some snacks at the Christchurch RSA from 16:00hrs onwards on THURSDAY 4 DECEMBER 2008.
---All Gunners are encouraged to join us for a few convivials.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Last Post: John 'Doc' O'Connor

466000 John Augustus (Doc) O'CONNOR,  RNZAMC, 161 Bty RNZA, South Viet Nam 1968, passed away unexpectedly in Christchurch on 27 November 2008, in his 71st year.
Funeral Mass and Vigil Rosary details to be advertised on Monday 1 December 2008 in the Christchurch Press.
Messages to:
The O'Connor Family, C/- PO Box 31300, Ilam, Christchurch 8444.

RA Glossary of Terms & Abbrs

Philip Jobson advises that his book, Royal Artillery Glossary of Terms & Abbreviations, is now available through UK on-line outlets such as Amazon. Amazon's price is good at £13.00, but others are as low as £10.56.
-----On Amazon's site, look for alternative suppliers below 'Note:' where it has '6 new from £10.56'.

St Barbara's Day REMINDERS

1 -
Jeffrey Waters & Ian Hitchiner (Hitch) are organising a get-together at the PAPAKURA RSA on Thursday 4 Dec at 1300hrs, to celebrate St Barbara's birthday and offer a chance to meet and chat for all GUNNERS.
-----Cost: $10 for finger food/light lunch. For catering numbers, please reply by 2 Dec - contact:
Jeffery on (09) 296 2457 or
Ian on 0508 727 248 or
-----Looking forward to seeing you there.
2 -
A reminder that the Southern Gunners are celebrating the day on 3 Dec - contact Pat Duggan at

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Last Post: Bill Hopkirk

313349 Capt Bill Hopkirk RNZA passed away on Sunday 23 November, aged 79. He was given a private service. 
-----Bill graduated from Duntroon in 1950 and served at various times with 13 Comp AA Regt RNZA, the School of Artillery and 15 Comp AA Bty, Godley Heads Christchurch. Bill was posted to K Force and served in Korea, 1953-54, with 16 Field Regiment, RNZA as GPO, CPO, Troop Commander and Adjutant.
-----After leaving the Army, Bill farmed at South Kaipara Head for 20 years, then as Supply Manager for Motor Specs (ten years), finally retiring in 1991 after five years as Buyer for Ramset.
-----It was Bill who reminded us of that infamous episode where Morrie Stanley and Murray Connor fired a 25-pounder outside Colonel Kim Morrison's mess in Waiouru.

Amazing human Statue of Liberty, 1918

"On a stifling July day in 1918, 18,000 officers and soldiers posed as Lady Liberty on the parade [drill] grounds at Camp Dodge." [This area was west of Baker St. and is currently the area around building S34 and to the west.] "According to a July 3, 1986, story in the Fort Dodge Messenger, many men fainted - they were dressed in woolen uniforms - as the temperature neared 105 degrees Farenheit. The photo, taken from the top of a specially constructed tower by a Chicago photography studio, Mole & Thomas, was intended to help promote the sale of war bonds but was never used." (Grover 1987)

To view the remarable photo and read more about it, click here or on the header.

Thanks from Graeme Black

Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breathe away.
-----And this is one of those moments; my family and I were astonished by the number of cards, e-mails, letters and phone-calls, also especially the number of people at Georgie's service.
-----I broke with protocol and decided to have an 'open casket service' and I doubt if one person did not take the opportunity to say their personal farewell. The Funeral Director estimated well in excess of 400 people. Georgie's Kapa Haka Group from Hamilton Girls High (where she taught) and Hamilton Boys High were present to farewell their beloved teacher with such passion we were all really overwhelmed.
-----Thank you all so much for your messages of condolence it makes our grieving all that much easier.  There are bound to be the odd one or two we overlook with our thanks and if we do overlook someone then we apologise most sincerely.
-----It is only now that I realise the pain that a lot of my friends have been through when they lost someone very close.

[My apologies to Graeme for delayed publication of his thanks to everyone.]

St Barbara's Day in Christchurch

Southern Gunners are advised that the St Barbara's Day dinner at Chch RSA is now cancelled due to the lack of availability of a Chef.
-----We have agreed however that we will hold an informal gathering of interested Gunners at the Christchurch RSA from 16:00 hrs onwards on Thursday 4 December 2008 to celebrate the day.
-----Anyone who has served the guns be it artillery, navy or airforce and anyone else who worked in the dark arts of explosives and gunfire are welcome to attend and enjoy the odd bevvie or 2.
-----Artillery Port will naturally be available!
Pete Dawson

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Children of Viet Nam Vets

My name is Melanie Semb. My father John Michael Semb (40375) and my uncle David Robert Semb (365258) were both Gunners with 161 Bty and served in Vietnam in 1965-66. 
-----I am the New Zealand moderator of an international group called DOVV (Daughters of Vietnam Veterans).  The founder of this group is very active in the USA in terms of Agent Orange and PTSD awareness. A media group in Australia has been approached and has shown interest in broadcasting a story to link in with Australia's current veteran health study.
-----I would really like to know how to make this group known to children of New Zealand Vietnam Veterans.  I have personally found it to be incredibly helpful. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Melanie Semb
DOVV enquiries can be made to

Up close in Afghanistan

From Neil Bradley:
View 38 close-up photos of US troops in rugged terrain in Afghanistan, and read the spirited debate that follows them . . .
click here.

Our input to the WPA review

As you know, the Law Commission is reviewing the War Pensions Act 1954 to provide a modern statute covering veterans' entitlements. To read our submission, click here or on the header.

Respect for the uniform

From Kim McGrath:
A young Belgian lad shows respect for Canadian troops, and gets an 'Eyes Right' in return. The adults don't seem much interested. Watch the video here.

Military high speed sea transport

Take a look at the US Army's HSV-X1.

'The Gunners': Your lucky day!

Yes, one only copy of The Gunners, the history of the RNZA published earlier this year. Half the retail price at $30.00, plus $9.00 postage within NZ.  Alex Dove, one of our Life Members, has a surplus copy and it's yours if you contact him now: Go!

Stephan Early, 1/83rd Artillery Battalion

1/83rd Artillery, a US 8 inch and 175 mm self propelled howitzer Battalion, arrived in Vietnam late October 1966 and was in 3 locales in '66-67.  HQ, Service and 'A' Batteries were at Nui Dat, 'B' Battery at Bear Cat and 'C' Battery at Xuan Loc. 1/83rd fired support for the Kiwis and 2 RAR until just after Tet in '68 when they went North to I Corps Khe Sahn, Con Thien.
Stephan Early left Fort Sill Oklahoma with 1/83rd in '66 and went to Nui Dat to build a fire support base. The photo was taken on Veterans' Day in Eagle Rock, on the outskirts of Los Angeles, where he is President of Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council. Stephan is 2nd from the right.
Align Left

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Armistice Day photos from Dunedin

From Lyall McGregor:
In Unity Park, Dunedin, an L5 fires a salute to the Fallen just after 1100 hrs on Armistice Day, 11 November 2008.

The icing on the cake?

Did Mayne Manson get bombed at his 60th Birthday bash on 22 November, or just a dusting down? Either way, he looks to be his usual happy self.
Click to enlarge.

Comment on 'An incident in Korea'

From Tony Tustin:
I read the Korea article with great interest. Had we not had the experience and skill of our own WW2 Officers and many Senior NCOs, Kapyong may well have ended with a similar result.

A new way to pay bills on-line?

An Adelaide man tries to settle an account with a - what? 

An incident in Korea

The grisly scene, horrible almost beyond belief, shocked even the toughest men of the 7th Marine Regiment. Some averted their eyes. Others broke off their macho banter to talk in . . . MORE 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last Post: Val Litchfield

From Jerry Meyer:
Val Litchfield passed away from general heart failure on 19 November, at Mittagong, NSW. He was 71. Val was an original with 161 Bty in Viet Nam, serving in 1965-66. He was twice on the staff at RF Cadet School. His total service spanned 12 years, from 1959 to 1971. Those of us who knew Val will miss him.

St Barbara's Day

1 -
Jeffrey Waters & Ian Hitchiner (Hitch) are organising a get-together at the PAPAKURA RSA on Thursday 4 Dec at 1300hrs, to celebrate St Barbara's birthday and offer a chance to meet and chat for all GUNNERS.
-----Cost: $10 for finger food/light lunch. For catering numbers, please reply by 2 Dec. If you wish to attend, contact:
Jeffery on (09) 296 2457 or
Ian on 0508 727 248 or
-----Looking forward to seeing you there.
2 -
A reminder that the Southern Gunners are celebrating the day on 3 Dec - contact Pat Duggan at

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Test driving a Lada!

Yep, get a thrill by watching this Lada on its street test - amazing broadside skid!

Congratulations, Bombardier!

Our sincere congratulations go to BDR SR MCOMISH RNZA, promoted on 26 Aug 08.

Well done!

Army News: Changes to mortar org, OP-Guns comms

Change is underway for the organisation and deployment of mortars,  Army News discloses. Read the Mortars update.

Change is also happening for OP-Guns interaction - get Offensive Support here.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Arthur Bretherton RAA

From Paul O'Connor:
Just to let the team know that Arthur Bretherton, who was the Aussie WO attached to our school, has had a heart attack, is in Wangaratta Hospital and is being moved to Melbourne Hosp for tests. Geoff Annett, the other MG attached to the school, left a message on my phone yesterday and followed up with an email.

Hi All
Arthur suffered a heart attack today and with early warning was admitted to the Wangaratta Hospital.  He is in good hands and Shirley is handling matters okay under the circumstances. Arthur is to be moved to Melbourne for an angiogram soon. Shirl doesn't use the computer and she will be to and fro for a few days.  Any messages can be sent to me for passing on.
Regards, Geoff and Barb Annett

Amazing military photos

Brilliant photos of all three services, from Lyall McGregor: 

Light entertainment

From Alan Taylor:
New computer upgrades (which has me wondering - why upgrade a new computer?)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Why I joined the Army"

Frank Hopkinson thinks of those souls who go Up and Down to the sea in ships - with admiration or disbelief?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

AGM 2008: The President's Report

Click on the header for Denis's full report.

Last Post: Robert Charles (Bob) Forbes

Dispatch received from Les Pye:
Published in the Marlborough Express, Wednesday 5 November 08 was the notice for 66523 Robert Charles Forbes (Bob), date of death 3.11.08 in his 90th year at Wairau Hospital Blenheim and cremated 7.11.08. 
-----According to the late Bob, he was a pre-WWII Regular with his early service in Hamilton.  7 Anti Tank Regt became his parent unit in North Africa.  He (more than often) would express his lack of foresight in not taking up an offer to re-enter RF in 1947/48.

AGM 2008: The bullet points

Now here is the news from the AGM at Taupo - click here or on the header.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bill Takarangi, 16 Fd Regt, Korea

Forwarded by Angus Rivers:

I am currently putting together a monumental stone for my uncle Wirihana (Bill) Takarangi.
-----He served in Korea as a gunner and I was hoping to place on his monumental stone a NZA insignia appropriate to his service in Korea.
-----Could you assist in putting me in contact with someone who may help, please?
Martin Takarangi
021 0265 1747

Please contact Martin if you can help him.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

AGM: Rick Williams can't make it

From Rick Williams:

Would you please register an apology from me for the w/e AGM and activities, with my best wishes to all attending.
-----A special greeting from WO1 Ken Gillings who is a retired South African Artillery professional tour guide out of Durban.
-----Margaret and I had a tailored 2 days with him visiting Ladysmith/Spion Kop/Colenso in August. My grandfather was a NZMR trooper in the Boer War and it was a fascinating time with Ken who really gave us 5-star treatment.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Last Post: Georgie Black RNZNC

BLACK "Georgie", Mary Georgette age 69 (Sergeant, RNZNC, nee KOKIRI) 6.50am Tue 4 November, after a short battle with cancer. Surrounded by Graeme, Jacky, Adrianne & Neil, Candy and Scott, Connie and Percy, grandchildren and whanau.
-----Georgie will be at home 79 Tawa St, Melville, Hamilton from afternoon Tue 4 Nov until her service at Seddon Park Funeral Home 2.00pm Thu 6 November. After the service Georgie will be returned home and then taken to her home Marae at Whatatutu, Gisborne, leaving early Friday, for her tangi.
-----The Staff at Ward 25 and the Oncology Dept of Waikato Hospital are the finest on earth.
-----No flowers please, all donations to the Cancer Society or Hospice Waikato.

Armistice Day, Christchurch

On 11 November, there will be an Armistice Day Parade at the Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel St, Christchurch, with the parade forming at 10:55hrs. It will be a full parade including diplomatic representatives and laying of wreaths. 
-----The Christchurch RSA will be open for lunch and refreshments following the parade. All returned and servicemen are invited to attend this important parade. Southern Gunners are particularly welcome and encouraged to attend.
-----Honours and medals please and unit flags are welcomed.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

AGM: Election of officers and committee

  1. The Association's officers are Denis Dwane, President; Mike Dakin, Sec/Treas
  2. The committee members are Barry Dreyer (VP), Frank Hopkinson, Spike Jones, Ted Lile, Jeff Waters, Graeme Black (co-opted), Bob Kerslake (co-opted)
  3. Denis and Ted are standing down
  4. Frank Hopkinson has been nominated as President, but other nominations may be made from the floor of the meeting
  5. Barry Dreyer, Spike Jones and Jeff Waters are available for re-election
  6. Four others are required as well
  7. Graeme Black, Bob Kerslake and Joe Panoho are available for election
  8. We need at least one more to stand

AGM: Notice of motion to amend rules

A motion will be put to the AGM to amend the Constitution and Rules. The changes are needed to:
  1. Qualify as a charity
  2. Simplify administrative procedures
  3. Clarify membership eligibility
  4. Clarify meaning
To read the proposed amendments, click here or on the header.

Auckland Vets Health Forum

There will be no vets health and welfare forum this month.

Southern Gunners' Dinner

Be there for the Southern Gunners' Dinner, St Barbara's Day, Thursday 4 December 2008, 18:30 for 19:00hrs at Christchurch RSA's VC Restaurant, 74 Armagh St, Christchurch.
-----We are also considering holding an afternoon 3 club (fun) golf match at the Ferrymead 9 hole golf links that day.
-----Anyone interested in attending either or both of these events should contact me regarding the golf (details below) and Pat Duggan regarding the dinner. Pat can be contacted by e-mail at
-----Cheers and best wishes to all of our comrades at the AGM and Reunion.
Pete Dawson (T855778)  
Phone:   +64 21 334381
Fax:       +64 3 3289595

War Pensions Act re-write

The Law Commission is holding a series of participatory meeting in the North Island to hear what vets think is needed in a new Act. (Sorry, we missed publicising the South through my bad timing.)
-----The meetings will be held in RSAs, except at Ruatoria where the venue is a marae. The dates and locations are on the NZ Gunners' Perpetual Calendar - click here.

And if you can't get to a meeting, at least take a few minutes to participate in a survey of vets' opinions about the War Pensions system - make your voice heard.

There are gallons of it!

Brig Ray Andrews and his wife have just returned from a tour in the US. He writes that, 'While passing through Savannah, I picked up [a] table mat from a local cafe. I thought the members might enjoy "The Punch" - but couldn't see them waiting so long to drink it!'

Here's the background to the origin of the Chatham Artillery Punch and the recipe for the punch is here. Luckily, it's US gallons so the quantity can't be that great - can it?

Main man's on the verge of 60

Yes, Mayne Manson's almost there. Hell, I thought everyone was as old as me, what a disappointment. But this is not about me - take a look at Mayne's generous invitation to his birthday bash. It's not only easy to read, it has pictures too.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Real airmanship

An amazing - unbelievable - feat of flying! I've watched it three times and I still can't believe my eyes.