Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Children of Viet Nam Vets

My name is Melanie Semb. My father John Michael Semb (40375) and my uncle David Robert Semb (365258) were both Gunners with 161 Bty and served in Vietnam in 1965-66. 
-----I am the New Zealand moderator of an international group called DOVV (Daughters of Vietnam Veterans).  The founder of this group is very active in the USA in terms of Agent Orange and PTSD awareness. A media group in Australia has been approached and has shown interest in broadcasting a story to link in with Australia's current veteran health study.
-----I would really like to know how to make this group known to children of New Zealand Vietnam Veterans.  I have personally found it to be incredibly helpful. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Melanie Semb
DOVV enquiries can be made to

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