Sunday, November 16, 2008

Arthur Bretherton RAA

From Paul O'Connor:
Just to let the team know that Arthur Bretherton, who was the Aussie WO attached to our school, has had a heart attack, is in Wangaratta Hospital and is being moved to Melbourne Hosp for tests. Geoff Annett, the other MG attached to the school, left a message on my phone yesterday and followed up with an email.

Hi All
Arthur suffered a heart attack today and with early warning was admitted to the Wangaratta Hospital.  He is in good hands and Shirley is handling matters okay under the circumstances. Arthur is to be moved to Melbourne for an angiogram soon. Shirl doesn't use the computer and she will be to and fro for a few days.  Any messages can be sent to me for passing on.
Regards, Geoff and Barb Annett

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