Sunday, November 2, 2008

AGM: Election of officers and committee

  1. The Association's officers are Denis Dwane, President; Mike Dakin, Sec/Treas
  2. The committee members are Barry Dreyer (VP), Frank Hopkinson, Spike Jones, Ted Lile, Jeff Waters, Graeme Black (co-opted), Bob Kerslake (co-opted)
  3. Denis and Ted are standing down
  4. Frank Hopkinson has been nominated as President, but other nominations may be made from the floor of the meeting
  5. Barry Dreyer, Spike Jones and Jeff Waters are available for re-election
  6. Four others are required as well
  7. Graeme Black, Bob Kerslake and Joe Panoho are available for election
  8. We need at least one more to stand

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