Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks from Graeme Black

Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breathe away.
-----And this is one of those moments; my family and I were astonished by the number of cards, e-mails, letters and phone-calls, also especially the number of people at Georgie's service.
-----I broke with protocol and decided to have an 'open casket service' and I doubt if one person did not take the opportunity to say their personal farewell. The Funeral Director estimated well in excess of 400 people. Georgie's Kapa Haka Group from Hamilton Girls High (where she taught) and Hamilton Boys High were present to farewell their beloved teacher with such passion we were all really overwhelmed.
-----Thank you all so much for your messages of condolence it makes our grieving all that much easier.  There are bound to be the odd one or two we overlook with our thanks and if we do overlook someone then we apologise most sincerely.
-----It is only now that I realise the pain that a lot of my friends have been through when they lost someone very close.

[My apologies to Graeme for delayed publication of his thanks to everyone.]

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