Sunday, May 24, 2009

11/4 Battery RNZA news

Anthony Mitchelson took over command of 11/4 Bty from Maj Olly Te Ua on 14 March 2009 at the Hamilton Charter Parade. Anthony was promoted to substantive Major on 3 April 2009. Olly, after working very hard for the Bty, deployed to Afghanistan in late March 2009 for six months with the International Stabilisation Force (ISAF) and is working out of ISAF HQ in Kabul.
11/4 Bty is coming back under command of 16 Fd Regt on 1 July 2009 and they are currently working through the move away from 3 Bn back to 16 Fd Regt. They are looking forward to moving back to Regt as they have been acting as an independent Bty for the last eight years and have suffered some skills fade from not regularly working in a Regt environment – so no doubt it will be a busy year.

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