Sunday, May 24, 2009

Viet Nam: Operation Merino in July 68 in Phuoc Tuy Province

From John Allen, Secretary 12 Field Regiment [RAA] (Vietnam) Association:
I am on the NZ Government's Viet Nam veterans' website telling of my experience as FO Ack for 2 Pl V3 Coy 4 RAR (c/s 25A) at Operation Merino in July 68 in Phuoc Tuy Province (after we had returned from Bien Hoa - V3 Coy's first Op in Vietnam if I remember correctly). I understand this action is widely known as the three day war which is actually incorrect. It was only two days and I was there for all of it from the first contact. While 161 was not involved on Day 1 (104/12 in support of 4 RAR), they MAY have been involved in the bombardment which took place on the morning of Day 2 prior to a 4 Battalion assault.
I would be interested in any history that your members might have. Also, you will know that the NZ Govt has commissioned an official history of NZ troops in Vietnam (all Corps) by Ian McGibbon []. He has also sought some info on 161 at Coral, so you might like to give him a call if you have not already done so. Regards, John (

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