Monday, May 4, 2009

WW2, Pacific: Wallace Ralph Gordon, RNZA

I am writing seeking information on my grandfather, Wallace Ralph Gordon, who served with the 3rd Div in the Pacific in World War Two before before released to Essential Industry.
From the war records I have been able to get ahold of, he attained the rank of Sergeant (originally Technical Lance Sergeant) in the 53rd Anti Tank Battery, before being transferred to the 144th Independent Battery in April 1944.
I am interested to find out where he was, and whether he saw any engagement at all. I know he was in Noumea, but I note the website contains engagements for both the 53rd and the 144th. My grandfather brought back a few nick knacks including an old Imperial Japanese Navy chart of the Currents of the North Pacific with an admiral's name scrawled on the back, and I would like to find where he may have picked it up, and whether the name on the back is indeed legitimate!
Tim will be grateful for any feedback on the units he has mentioned -
I have referred him to NZDF personnel records.

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