Saturday, May 23, 2009

Army News

The May 2009 issue of Army News is here . . .. You'll find plenty of interest in its pages, but scroll through the pages to pick out gunner points, including the promotions of Bdr J W T Mapson, Maj Anthony Mitchelson, LBdr J W T Rippingale and Bdr T N Lasike (page 7), ANZAC Day in Raglan* (page 16) and an article on the flexible training schedule of today's 16 Field Regiment (page 20).
*Note: The Raglan article says, rather inaccurately, that 161 Bty was awarded the Freedom of Raglan. The Charter was actually granted by the County of Raglan to 16 Field Regiment, Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery, on 24 March 1969. At that time, the Battery was serving in Viet Nam and the Regiment, based in Papakura, maintained liaison with the county and town. Read the County Council resolution . . .

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