Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gunners' Day at Papakura, 2009

On the 293rd birthday of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 115 or so of us sat down to a delightful dinner at the Papakura RSA. The diners included old comrades and young, familiar faces and new; and the Band of the Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery provided enjoyable background music. The whole evening was relaxed and convivial, with a well-delivered toast to the Regiment by LtCol Chris Powell, RNZInf, CO 3 Auck North Bn Gp. Read the Toast . . .
After the meal and the Toasts were over, the Colonel Commandant, Brig Graham Birch MBE, presented six trophies to members of 11/4 Bty - the list of trophies and recipients is here . . .
Photos taken during the evening may be seen here . . . then click Slideshow
Everything was perfectly organised, prepared and executed, a tribute to everyone involved in making it happen, but especially Jeff Waters who has excelled at organising this event for fourteen years. And Jeff is thinking ahead to our 21st dinner in 2016, on the Regiment's 300th birthday - I wonder if one can buy a card for a 300th?

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