Friday, June 19, 2009

16-18 June, in Wellington, . . .

. . . I was at an excellent pensions and welfare workshop and forum, arranged by RNZRSA. Almost 60 delegates attended and heard presentations from VANZ, Ministry of Social Development, Age Concern, the District Health Board and, of course, RNZRSA. It was extremely well done and of great value to us as an association, a benefit of our affiliating with RNZRSA last year.
There were contentious moments and not everyone was happy with VANZ' changed approach. But VANZ is not entirely wrong in what is perceived by many as an unjustified clamp-down on claims. There has been a tightening of scrutiny in recent months, with a difference of opinion about what is right and wrong in making the changes. This will be resolved.
Gunners were well represented, with Rick Williams, Lindsay Skinner, Alan Strang and yours truly in attendance. I for one have a better understanding of the claims process, and the welfare support that is available. Your first port of call is your RSA but, if you want to discuss any issues, email me.
Cheers, Mike

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