Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last Post: Ian 'Hitch' Hitchener

From Jeff Waters:
Ian Hitchener (Hitch) passed away suddenly at his residence this morning.
Details for his funeral will be posted when we have them.

Hitch marched into Andrews VC class, RF Cadets, in January 1966 and graduated to RNZA May 1967. He served in Viet Nam with 161 Bty for 12 months from October 1969, during which time he was attached to D Coy 9RAR FO Party. After Viet Nam, Hitch was posted to 1 Loc Tp, 161 Training Wing Papakura, and 28 ANZUK Fd Regt in Singapore.

What can you add, to mark Hitch's sudden passing?

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