Sunday, June 28, 2009

Passchendaele - The Belgians Have Not Forgotten: Sponsorship opportunity

At Historic Fort Takapuna, Vauxhall Road, Devonport
From 4 October to 15 November 2009

$ 5,000 Sponsorship Opportunities
  • The Organisers of this not-for-profit exhibition offer Sponsors an opportunity to be associated with the commemoration of the most significant event in New Zealand’s military history and in doing so involve up to 100 of the sponsors clients and customers by inviting them to an evening reception which would culminate in a tour of the exhibition in historic Fort Takapuna.
  • The catering arrangements would be the sponsor’s responsibility and the $5,000 sponsorship fee would be used to attract visitors to the exhibition through publicity and advertising.
  • The format for the evening is flexible but could include sponsor’s information to their clients, a twenty minute presentation on the lead up to and the Battle of Passchendaele on 12 October 1917 and then a tour of the exhibition which focuses on how memories of New Zealanders live on in Flanders and Belgium today - 92 years after the conflict.
  • These memories follow the journey of New Zealand soldiers from Gallipoli through Flanders to Passchendaele and are brought to life through award winning photographs, images, information, artefacts and music.
Contact:Iain Mackenzie, Honorary Consul of Belgium (2001-2009)
Passchendaele : The Belgians Have Not Forgotten
Phone +64 9 575 6202 Mobile +64 27 495 5226
Postal: PO Box 9786, Newmarket, Auckland 1149, New Zealand

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