Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Battle of Passchendaele exhibition

The Battle of Passchendaele exhibition features photographs, images, information and artefacts highlighting the memories of New Zealanders which live on in Belgium today………” the order was given to attack before daybreak on 12 October 1917 and so began the most tragic day in New Zealand’s history…..the German machine guns mowed down the Kiwis as they advanced through the barbed wire, some of them up to their hips in mud….eight hundred and forty five young Kiwis were killed in the first two hours and the death toll at the preludes to and the Battle of Passchendaele was eventually to exceed two thousand seven hundred…….it took two days to clear the battlefield of the dead and the injured… the time they were finally withdrawn fom Flanders in February 1918 the New Zealand Division had suffered more than 18, 000 casualties including 5.000 deaths….more than double the number killed at Gallipoli”.
Click here to read more . . .
You will be able to visit the exhibition at Fort Takapuna while you are at the 75th Anniversary Reunion, Browns Bay, on the morning of Saturday 31 October.

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