Tuesday, July 7, 2009

173d Airborne Brigade National Memorial dedication

From Denis Dwane, President, Chapter 19, 173d Airborne Brigade Association:
Your name has been selected because you lost out in the draw to attend Michael's funeral.
Just a heads up if anyone is interested.  The 173d National Memorial is being dedicated at Columbus, Georgia, 1 Jun 2010.  Included on the memorial will be the names of Al Don and Jock White.  That being so, it would be pleasing if we could have some representation there.
It is also good to see that the date for this (1 Jun) is just before the 2010 Reunion at Myrtle Beach, Nth Carolina (2 – 6 Jun) neighbours with Georgia.   For those who have won lotto recently I see no problems but something to look into - possibly Veterans' Affairs could assist?
I would like to know if there are any starters for this reunion on a Yes/Maybe basis.  I plan to go but remind that this will clash with the EVSA 2010 Reunion in Wellington.

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