Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An Aussie enquiry (about an Enquiry)

Searching for 311513 Maj Gordon G Pound and 1202112 Pte Robert "Bob" J Enright

G'day all.......
As we enter the final phases of the 2nd D&E Platoon matter, it is interesting to note a few aspects in recent weeks:
- first, there has been little or no comment from the cavalry mob concerning Trooper Allan Stanton's substantiation of the matters that occurred on May 29th 1969 (Stanton was Capt Tom Arowsmith's APC driver)
- Stanton confirms that bodies were blown up in a 'sapper's burial' and that three bodies were strapped up to Arrowsmith's own APC (this was deleted from "The War Within" because we couldn't confirm it at the time)
- the Government and the Dept of Defence have resisted our calls for either an enquiry or a Royal Commission
- the AWM cannot locate any paperwork concerning Captain Pound's 'enquiry' of 1976 (where no one was called to give evidence)
Consequently, we are asking the veteran network to chase down two individuals to assist in clearing this matter up, so that Ashley Ekins' 'official histories' are absolutely accurate..
1. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Pte Bob Enright (he is the man who first made the matter of body destruction at Thua Tich, public, in 1976
2. And does anyone know the whereabouts of the Major Pound who conducted that 'enquiry' (he was posted to Darwin at the time...1976)

Don Tate

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