Thursday, July 30, 2009

Air OP history - now is the time

From the early 50s until late 70s a number of NZ Army officers trained as light aircraft and helicopter pilots. In the mid 60s a unit called the Light Aircraft Flight was established (as part of 3 BSS, RNZAF). The only reference to this rather unique band of aviators is a very short paragraph on AOP pilots in the history of the RNZA.
Unless something is done now this rather special bit of NZ Army’s history will be lost so I am trying to construct a roll of pilots (and the ground crew who supported them) as a first step to writing a brief history.
So, to any former pilots or ground crew out there: please email me your name, regimental number and dates you were posted to flying duties and, if appropriate, your attachment to 1 Light Aircraft Flight. If you can, please add the names of others who served with you (and their contact details if you have them). If you have any photos or other material you think might help please mail it to me at: 47 Simla Crescent, Khandallah, Wellington, 6035.
My email address is - Telephone: 04 970 2113.
This is a first step. Having a list of names I’ll be in touch to ferret out any anecdotes that could add interest.
Thanks, Roger Pearce

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