Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Travel concession entitlement & reimbursement

On 11 June, your Executive Committee wrote to Rick Ottoway, General Manager of Veteran's Affairs NZ, to convey members' concerns over the revised form for reimbursement of PL23 travel. You can read the 11 June letter and attachment here . . .. This concession is an entitlement, a right for veterans whose disabilities total 100% or more. Rick has undertaken to investigate our concerns and get back to us 'in due course'. Nothing has been received as at today's date.
We believe that the current form is badly flawed and an unwarranted intrusion into each vet's personal life. You cannot be required to inform VANZ about your accommodation, for example, unless you choose to verify your travel with a receipt from there. You are not obliged to have or give a reason for travel. You do not have to breach your own or another person's privacy by giving information about who you saw.
Because reimbursement for travel is a right, the only proof you need is proof of travel - tickets or fuel receipts are the strongest evidence.
In the meantime, VANZ has now added: 'Making a claim for travel concession reimbursement gives VANZ the right to contact the person or place where you stayed when you travelled, or a person who can confirm your travel in order to verify that you did travel as stated . . . '. This assertion has no substance - it can't happen, so don't give the information out - just mark the irrelevant boxes 'Personal & private'.

Your Committee cannot condone fraud, deceit or abuse of this valued concession, but the claims format used currently is unacceptable to the veteran community.

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