Tuesday, August 4, 2009

4 Fd Regt RNZA, deceased roll: Fitzgerald

I have been shown the list of 4Fd Regt deceased by my business partner, Barry Dreyer. Dad served in Egypt and Italy and fortunately returned. I am currently researching his movement through Italy as one of my sons who is in the UK wants to locate where he served between Cassino and Trieste.
The W E Murray Official History is very helpful but would be interested in any other maps etc that may be available. Dad died 7 June 2002 if you would like to record that.
If you have the book you will see that gunner F J Green was killed (page 719). Dad served with him and they were very close. His death and the nature of it caused Dad problems on his return and later in life.
He rarely spoke of the war and after his death my mother told me that a major anxiety he had was that he did not fulfil his commitment to visit Fred's wife on his return as they both agreed that, if something should happen, Fred would visit my grandparents. I am sure this pledge was made by many.
I have managed to track down Fred's remaining family and how that occurred and what happened afterward make for a good story which I am happy to convey if that is of interest.
I would also like to make contact with some 4 Fd Regt people who served in Italy.
Barry Fitzgerald
Fleet and Partners Ltd
Email Barry: b.fitzgerald@fleetpartners.co.nz
DDI 09 3075694
Mob 0274 805503

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