Monday, August 31, 2009

The Roche Memorial

Learned Scribe Sir,
As your "Foreign Correspondent", warm greetings from this Forgotten Outpost of The Empire [he's in Cairns].
I have read Les Pye's comments about the "Watch Tower" erected sometime in late '68 at the Battery Home Base in RVN. [See 29 Aug,'What happened in there?']
This magnificent edifice was the brainchild of a certain popular young grinning man who acted as Architect, Clerk of Works, Slave Driver and provider of succour to the Askaris who built the momument. I was one, hence my knowledge of the construction. Hundreds of bloody sand bags from the French Fort went into its construction.
Yes, there were two 10ft Conexes in the base, one for small arms ammo and the other the Local "Lock Up'. Ventilation gaps were cut into the doors so that some air could get in. From memory it was only used during my time for the temporary incarceration of those who had over-indulged in more than their share of "Lunatic Soup".
The steps leading to the upper part of the Tower were the scene of many an accident to a certain BSM who shall remain nameless as he tried to catch those whose eyes were dulled by the lateness of the night.
Black Jack also has a collection of photos of a certain Rover going up in smoke. This was also the subject of a story of some amusement!
I remain Sir etc.
Brian R Edmonds
[President of the local Rover Club]

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