Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Can you help Jan Scanlan?

I am researching WW1 N.Z.F.A. for family history research.
I have received the NZDF Archives material for my Grandfather who was with the 28th Division and a gunner with the 13th Battery. He was in the field in 1918 in France.
I would like to know where this Battery was situated and what it was involved in?
  • He started out at Etaples – General base camp.
  • From there he went to 22 Cps R.C.??? 14 2 1918
  • Then to RCNZ Div Wg. 15.2.18
  • Marched out to Division. Field. 22.3.18
  • Posted to 13th Battery. ?? Attached to General Base Depot?where ? 14.11.18
  • Rejoined 13th Battery 12.11.18
I would appreciate some help with this information.
Thanks, Mrs Jan Scanlan -

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