Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cactus Kate gets prickly on that RTNZ issue

What Cactus Kate wrote about 'the writing's on the bomb':

  1. Crazy isn't it? Will RSA's around NZ put out a statement in support of these kids? I couldn't care less what they write on the side of a bomb. The job they do most of us don't want to do so least we support them.
  2. Crazy is not harsh enough to describe this. Sent home and any thought of careers ruined. RSA's are unlikley to say anything public about it, but they are steaming inside. Quasi service sites can though - see [Muzzle Flashes].
  3. Whaleoil and I love the gunners! . . . As I said, they do things we aren't prepared to front up to do necessarily. Anyone who criticises how they do their job who has not and never wishes to front up to do their job, needs to be silenced with a large blog spank. Least we can do.

[For the full picture, read the original story here, and the over-reaction.]

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