Thursday, September 3, 2009

VANZ: Mayne Manson speaks his mind

I read with mixed feelings, the article a couple of days ago, about the minister trumpeting about the newly improved service we get from VANZ. I tried, but failed, to reconcile her ravings to my recent (and on-going) experience.
Compare this set of circumstances to what she said :
2009. Feb. Notice problem with hip. X-ray-ed and advised to see surgeon.
March. Request for assistance from Claims Panel sent to VANZ.
07 May. Panel meets and declines assistance. Letter prepared but lost in system/mail.
28 May. See surgeon and letter from him sent to VANZ. Unaware they had already dealt with request.
18 June. I send email to VANZ, starting to get p....of with lack of action.
Late June. Receive copy of 07 May letter from case manager.
18 Aug. Appeal papers prepared and sent to VANZ.
29 Aug. Receive letter from National Review Officer saying they had received my appeal papers. Advising that they have a "significantly large number" of similar appeals and " will take several months to be determined" . . . "your patience is appreciated."
What patience, I'm reduced to hobbling around on crutches and not impressed at all.
I fail to understand why, if VANZ have a problem and a "bottleneck" has formed, why don't they sort that out rather than expecting us (Vets) to sit around while they watch the problem get bigger.
I live in hope for this so-called improved service to start.
Regards to all, Mayne MANSON
It won't happen overnight, but it will happen! Soon, hopefully.

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