Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Christchurch RSA AGM: For Pete's sake!

The Christchurch RSA AGM will be held this Saturday 26/09/2009 at the clubrooms starting at 9:30am. Again this year there will be elections for all positions except for Treasurer where the incumbent John Collins is unopposed.
I am standing for election in both the position of Vice President and Executive.
I have attached a short bio for your consideration in the hope that you will support my candidacy in these positions as I believe that in my year on the executive I have managed to make a difference and that I can continue to do so at a time when our Association needs strong and experienced leadership to continue to take us forward to ensure the survival and prosperity of NZ's "parent RSA".
Hopefully I'll see most of you at the AGM on Saturday.
Pete Dawson

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