Thursday, September 17, 2009


From 'The Veteran', on the blogspot ,'No Minister' 
It is not of my nature to criticise command decisions of the service chiefs but today I make an exception.
The sending home from Afghanistan of the three soldiers who chalked a message on a 2,ooolb bomb and attached a drinks sticker to it is a sad one made by a PC cowered hierarchy from the safety of their desks back in Wellington.
They need reminding that loyalty goes two ways ... up and down ... and there is no sign of the 'down' bit there.
Ok, the world has moved on since the writer took the 'shilling' but some things don't change and I suggest the military will reap what they sow.
Like it or not they are breeding the initiative and individualism out of today's soldiers to the point they will think twice before they fart and three times before they shoot.
The only people breaking out the champagne today are the Keith Locke's of this world in celebration of another wound inflicted on military morale.
And it was a self inflicted wound by commanders who should have known better.

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