Monday, September 14, 2009

Looking for the survivor

My name is Ed Cowley, ex 161 Bty and W2 Coy RNZIR, and I was attached to A Coy 6RAR along with Capt Peter Williams during 1966-67. During that period we had numerous people come out on operations with us to gain experience.
On one of these occasions over the period 3-5 October 1966 whilst we were returning to Nui Dat we had to cross the Soui da Bang. At that time the river was running swiftly from the local rain storms. The river was deep and flowing very fast and a line consisting of toggle ropes attached to trees on either side was organised. We then proceeded to cross.
Unfortunately one of our FO party lost his grip and was dragged under by the weight of his pack and the radio he had in it. (Who was that?) At that time an Aussie by the name of P.C.Smith dived in and found our man and got him to the surface but both were being swept down stream.
PC (as he is known) some how got hold of an overhanging bush and held on until help arrived. PC was awarded the Queens Commendation (QC) for his action. (I am sure our man would have drowned).

At this time I am trying to find the name and whereabouts of our man, as every ANZAC Day PC asks me if I know how to get hold of him.
PC Smith lives here in South Australia and is now on the sick list with bone cancer. I thought it was about time I started to do some looking. Who can name the man that PC saved on that day?
Can anyone help? I can be reached by email to

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