Sunday, December 28, 2008

Enquiry: Who is that man?

From Bert Hoebee, who writes:
I am scanning some of my old slides from Vietnam days for a picture gallery and anecdotes book my old company, C Coy 9 RAR, is producing. This photo is one of them.
---In trying to identify the individuals in it, I have received this information:
---The bloke with pipe behind Max Knight is a Kiwi bombardier from the artillery battery attached to Charlie Coy. He bunked with me at the Horseshoe I can't remember his name.
---The shot was taken sometime mid-1969, at a FSPB (name?) we established while C Coy was
training the 2/48 ARVN Bn.
---Any chance your NZ gunner net can help me put a name to the face, and to the FSPB?
Contact Bert Hoebee if you can help.

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