Friday, December 5, 2008

St Barbara's Day in Christchurch

Pete Dawson says it was quite hazy when he wrote this on the morning after the night before:
I have to admit that my compass was not calibrated correctly and that my home loc was not quite where I thought it was.
---We celebrated our Saint last night at the Chch RSA and it was a great turnout. I understand (although my memory is suspect) that the big red marine spiders (supplied courtesy of one of our seagoing gunner mates) went down very well. Big buggers they were too!
---We did the toasts at least once but possibly more often as our mates arrived and it was a bloody great night.
---We decided that we should do this more often but St B's day and Gunners' Day aren't enough so we have now agreed that Southern Gunners will meet for social intercourse, cheap chat, and any other stuff that we might wish to discuss, on the first Thursday of each month at the Chch RSA from 16:00hrs onwards, starting Thursday 5 February 2009.
---We hope that we'll see you there if you can make it.

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