Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Graham Williams

I visited Graham and Hazel today to see how he is getting on - not at all well. He is noticeably worse than when I saw him in June, when he had tumour removed from his throat. 
---He thought then that it was all clear but, after radiation, it spread to his right lymph nodes and into his lungs. He has a prominent lymphoedema on his left cheek and jaw. Graham is unable to have further surgery or radiation and, I'm sad to say, his condition is terminal.
---He can't speak and communicates by writing, but doesn't have a lot of strength for that. I asked him if he is OK to receive text messages but that's too painful to manage. Hazel said he has been really pleased to have cards and letters, so do a good deed: 68 Archers Road, Glenfield, North Shore 0629.
---He said he would be glad to see close friends for short visits, but phone Hazel first - 09 418 4548.
---Graham was 161 Bty's first GPO on deployment in Viet Nam in 1965, and he is in his 15th year as President of the Birkenhead RSA.

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