Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hugh Vercoe on the Charter Parade

The Charter Parade will involve 6Hau with their sub unit Waikato Mounted Rifles, and 3 Auck North being the controlling body for 11/4 Battery. The involvement for the gunners has largely been managed by 3 Auck North as Ollie Te Ua the current BC has been away training pending his departure to Bosnia.
----Two guns will be positioned outside Hamilton City Council representing our Colours. The actual march will include 3 Auck North parading their Colours, as well as 6 Hau with their Colours. Included in the march will be a couple of LAVs and probably only a single gun. Gunners on parade will probably only be around 25. The RNZA band will lead the parade.
----Those taking part will form up at 0630 at Te Rapa and do some rehearsals before assembling at Grantham Street where the march commences at 1030. The route is Grantham to Victoria, to Knox to Alexandra to City square. The official party at the square includes the Minister,  Mayor Bob Simcock, the 2 x Col Coms (Inf) the 2 x  Cos and other dignatories. Retired gunner presence at the official party will be John Valintine, David Mannering, Ian Johnston, Frank Hopkinson and me. Graham Birch was invited but apologises as he is in the South Island.
----At the square there are a couple of awards being presented. It is also intended to issue new Charters representing the current unit names i.e. 11/4 Battery will receive the new Charter replacing that issued to 4 Medium Regt in the 1960s. 
----After the official part outside the square the parade marches off to Victoria St where Bob Simcock will take the salute. The parade continues to Rostrevor Street where it stands down and the participants return for light lunch at Hamilton City reception lounge.
----While there has been talk for some time now about 11/4 having a section based in Hamilton and under command of 16 Field this still has no timings. I will be pushing this issue with the Minister on Saturday and try and move it forward.
----Please feel free to forward this update to the wider gunner network but note that the above is my understanding from talking with various people today. I have not seen anything in writing so the above is simply as I currently understand it.
Thanks Hugh.

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